Violent Black Thug Who Stabbed Rivals Set to Walk Free Because Britain Can’t Kick Him out of the Country

Jack Doyle
Daily Mail
October 23, 2013

  • Joland Giwa, aka Dexter, led campaign of terror in Croydon, South London
  • In YouTube video he boasts about stabbing a man ‘in the f****** head’
  • Been held since 2009 when he finished a jail sentence but immigration officials have failed to secure him a passport
  • Two African countries – Nigeria and Sierra Leone – say he is not a native
  • Judge ruled officials had three months to get documents or he’d be freed

article-2472353-04C4D41B000005DC-831_306x449A notorious gang ‘general’ who poses a ‘serious threat to the public’ could be back on Britain’s streets within months because ministers have failed to have him deported.

Joland Giwa, whose street name is Dexter, led a campaign of terror on the streets of Croydon, South London, and is ready ‘at any time to use knives and weapons’, police say.

He was thought to be from Nigeria or Sierra Leone, but both countries refuse to accept he is one of theirs and linguists have now said he has a strong London accent, despite finding that he used English spoken in Nigeria.

In a gangster-style YouTube video, he is seen boasting about having stabbed a man ‘in the f****** head’ and threatening to attack other gangs who intrude on  his territory.

He has been held since 2009 when he finished a jail sentence, but immigration officials have failed to secure him a passport because of the two African countries’ refusal

Yesterday a judge ruled that immigration officials had three months to get him travel documents and if they failed Giwa should be released.

In court papers seen by the Daily Telegraph, it was found that he had ‘complicated’ speech patterns and ‘south London English’.

Critics said the ‘ridiculous’ case demonstrated Britain’s powerlessness to remove foreign criminals living here illegally. Tory MP Douglas Carswell said: ‘A thug on the streets of south London who is terrorising innocent Londoners and who is not even in the country legally should be removed.’

Giwa, 24, is the self-proclaimed ‘general’ in charge of the Don’t Say Nothing gang – known as DSN –  with a string of convictions for theft and robbery.

In 2007, the DSN gang was behind a surge in violence on the streets of Croydon which saw stabbings, shootings and murder, police say. Officers linked Giwa to at least 99 incidents of criminal or anti-social behaviour.

One former officer told Giwa’s immigration hearing he has a ‘clear propensity for violence’ and poses a ‘serious threat to the public’.

Darin Birmingham, a former police sergeant, said Giwa had no fear of ‘confrontation and violence’ and was ready at any time to use knives and other weapons.

Held: In March 2011 Giwa was transferred to high security Belmarsh prison, pictured, after intelligence suggested he was involved in smuggling drugs into a detention centre

But he would also maintain a façade of respectfulness towards police officers.

In a clip uploaded to YouTube, he is seen shouting a string of obscenities and threats at the camera, stating: ‘I am the f****** general.’

He adds: ‘I have shanked [stabbed] a man in the f****** head.’ The video prompted a spate of gang violence against rival groups Terror Zone from Mitcham and a Thornton Heath gang called Shine My Nine. Giwa landed at Heathrow aged 10 on a flight from Nigeria with his twin brother but no parent or guardian, in 1999.

He had no identity documents and claimed asylum on the spot, telling officials he was from Sierra Leone and his parents were killed in the civil war in that country.

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