WaPo Forced to Admit That Taylor Lorenz Engaged in Purposeful Fraud in Anti-Johnny Piece

Taylor Lorenz has become a meme as a crying liar journalist. She is an embodiment of journalist elitism.

But the Washington Post is having a hard time holding this bitch up because she keeps just openly lying and they have to issue long corrections. This isn’t really sustainable. She is lying in a way that can’t be covered up. All of these people are saying “actually, I didn’t say that” and “no, she never contacted me at all.” If they are going to keep publishing this bitch, they’re going to have to have some more serious fact-checking on the things that can be easily disproved.

All journalists lie, but they lie in ways where they can never be caught – the most infamous of which being “sources say.” Lorenz can’t stop from lying about things that can be immediately and trivially proved to not be reckless mistakes by deliberate lies.

For whatever reason, the entire media has doubled-down on Lorenz, making her the avatar of the oppression of journalists by normal people on the internet. This MSNBC piece summarizes it:

But the more she gets caught lying, the more this narrative becomes a kind of self-harm, where people are like, “well, no wonder this bitch is getting ‘harassed’ – she’s lying about everyone on purpose.”

This is the Johnny Depp story in question.

But as Glenn Greenwald says, this is only the most recent and most egregious example of purposeful lying. Lorenz also hunted down and doxed Libs of TikTok, so she’s maliciously trying to destroy the lives of anyone who questions the globalist elite regime.

She is not even a journalist – she’s a hitman for intelligence agencies. With the Libs of TikTok thing, it was admitted that she got the dox from German intelligence. Germany is a proxy state of the United States. That dox was real, but when she doesn’t get information directly from intelligence agencies, she just lies to make her stories more outrageous.

It’s just absurd. This has become cartoonish.