WaPo Whore Gets Ready to Dox Libs of TikTok

This is the whore

Did you see this bitch crying about how people are mean to her? On the internet?

She literally is a professional life-ruiner, and she went out there and cried about how people are mean to her and it’s not fair because she’s a woman.

The person who runs Libs of TikTok is also a woman.

So, apparently it’s not about being a woman.


Washington Post reporter Taylor Lorenz has reportedly been readying to expose the anonymous owner of the private “Libs of TikTok” account on Twitter.

Libs of TikTok has garnered a massive Twitter following in recent years through its posting of TikTok videos that often feature crazed leftists advocating extreme behavior in support of various causes, whether it be a mother bragging about her transgender child or a teacher boasting about X-rated sex education.

Apparently, informing the public of extremist activity is a bridge too far for the leftist establishment media. They have resorted to exposing the account’s owner, according to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ press secretary Christina Pushaw, who received word of the impending public revelation when WaPo reporter Taylor Lorenz contacted her about a story “exposing” the woman behind the account.

“We are running a story exposing the woman behind the ‘Libs of TikTok’ account. Our story mentions your many interactions with the account and praise of it. If you’d like to offer comment, please let me know within the next hour,” the email from Lorenz said.

Human Events host Jack Posobiec later reported he learned Taylor Lorenz had visited the homes belonging to the “Libs of TikTok” owner’s family members.

It’s in the public interest, goy.

Lots of support.

But she’s still going to be fired.