Watch: Biden Goes to Florida, Celebrates “Good” Side of Miami Building Collapse

Ron DeSantis humiliated himself by going to a meeting with the Senile and Very Fake President Vaxxy Joe Biden. Biden was in Florida for a meeting on the national humiliation that is the Miami Condo Collapse.

Sure, working with opposition presidents is a job of any governor, and the responsible thing – but Vaxxy Joe is not the president. He is a fake president. Very, very fake.

Biden took the opportunity to talk about the upside of the collapse, saying that it “lets us know we can cooperate,” something he described as “really important.”

Of course, no one can cooperate with Mumbly Joe the Vaxxer, as he’s in a fugue state.

Biden also this week posted a sick pro-vaxx video saying we’re building a post pandemic future – using the “America is back” slogan that apparently went over so well in his focus groups.

I didn’t get emotional when I watched that video. Actually, I did feel loathing and self-doubt.

Was that the goal?

It’s definitely the goal of most things Vaxxy Joe does.