Welcome to the Land of Milk and Honey, Ye Savage Hordes: Sweden Gives Blanket Asylum to Syrian Refugees

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 4, 2013

"Give us your hungry and poor murdering Muslim rapists!" -Sweden
“Give us your hungry and poor murdering Muslim rapists!” -Sweden

The White man is getting screwed on both sides of the Jew’s Syria operation: we have to go kill these people for no reason, while also letting a bunch of them loose in our nations.

Though they are already crowding up the streets and brothels of Athens, Greece, it seems Sweden is the first country to officially grant them legal status as ‘asylum seekers.’

AFP reports:

“All Syrian asylum seekers who apply for asylum in Sweden will get it,” Annie Hoernblad, the spokeswoman for Sweden’s migration agency, told AFP.

“The agency made this decision now because it believes the violence in Syria will not end in the near future.”

The decision, which will give refugees permanent resident status, is valid until further notice, added Hoernblad.

What caring people those Swedish are. These folks are no doubt going to get unlimited welfare as well. How unjust it would be if they had nothing to live on but the cash they get from the wallets of blonde-haired mugging and rape victims.

*10,000 sighs*