Western Leaders Claim to be Taking Putin’s Nuclear Warnings Seriously

The media seems split on whether or not they should promote Vladimir Putin’s threats of dropping nukes as serious. It’s rare that there is not a clear narrative, but there really isn’t.

You usually go to the New York Times Editorial Page to get the official narrative on something like this, but they have published little on the topic. One columnist, Ross Douthat, wrote a milquetoast piece not really saying anything beyond “yeah, who knows – maybe he will?”

Before the most recent Putin threats, the media/government was much more aggressively calling it a “bluff.” They obviously said that because they didn’t want people asking whether Ukraine Democracy was worth being nuked over.

Now everyone is just saying “yeah maybe, who knows?”


President Vladimir Putin’s latest warning that he is ready to use nuclear weapons to defend Russia amid the war in Ukraine has made a troubling question much more urgent: Is the former KGB spy bluffing?

Putin cautioned it was no bluff, and Western politicians, diplomats and nuclear weapons experts are divided. Some say he could use one or more smaller, tactical nuclear weapons to try to stave off military defeat, protect his presidency, scare off the West or intimidate Kyiv into capitulation.

Putin’s warning, which was followed by a more specific threat to use a nuclear weapon in Ukraine from an ally, might mean the Kremlin is considering an escalation after Russia annexes four Ukrainian regions which it only partly occupies.

Russia’s parliament is expected to declare the regions part of Russia on Oct. 4. Once that happens the way would be clear, from Moscow’s viewpoint, for a possible defensive strike if it felt the territory was under serious threat.

Breaking the nuclear taboo would be a sign of desperation, however, so whether or not Putin does go nuclear may ultimately depend on how cornered he feels in a conflict which has, thus far, humbled rather than defeated a former superpower.

Putin controls the world’s largest nuclear arsenal, including a new generation of hypersonic weapons and ten times more tactical nuclear weapons than the West, and the United States and the NATO military alliance are taking him seriously.

Are they though?

It seems to me if they were actually taking him seriously, they would not still be trying to use the Ukraine border dispute to collapse the Russian government. An option currently exists to simply pull out, take the deal, and say “well, we won because we didn’t lose the whole Ukraine.” They could then try to wait a bit before going at Russia again – maybe after Putin dies.

I guess the thinking of the West, however, is that their own economy is going to totally collapse, so they have to get Russia and China out of the way in the next couple of years. Maybe they shouldn’t have done that coronavirus hoax? Ah well – hindsight of 2020 is 20/20.

If the choice for Russia is fighting a losing war, and losing badly and Putin falling, or some kind of nuclear demonstration, I wouldn’t bet that they wouldn’t go for the nuclear demonstration,” Tony Brenton, a former British ambassador to Russia, told Reuters in August, before Putin stepped up his warnings.

Okay, well, Tony, that’s a double negative.

I’m not untired of this sort of language.

In his most recent comments, Putin explicitly warned the West that Russia would use all available means to defend Russian territory and accused the West of discussing a potential nuclear attack on Russia.

“This is not a bluff. And those who try to blackmail us with nuclear weapons should know that the weathervane can turn and point towards them,” he said.

Such blunt Kremlin rhetoric is very different to the much more nuanced nuclear signals preferred by late Soviet leaders after Nikita Khrushchev took the world to the brink of nuclear war in the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told U.S. TV networks on Sunday that President Joe Biden’s administration was taking Putin’s comments “deadly seriously” and had warned Moscow of specific “catastrophic consequences” if it used nuclear arms.

Washington has not spelled out its likely response, but using a nuclear device could trigger a nuclear escalation, which is why most experts believe a massive conventional attack on Russian military assets would be more likely.

Asked if Putin was moving towards a nuclear attack, CIA Director William Burns told CBS on Tuesday: “We have to take very seriously his kind of threats given everything that’s at stake.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy had previously dismissed the Russian warnings, but told CBS on Sunday that Putin could now be serious.

“Look, maybe yesterday, it was bluff. Now it could be a reality.”

The American people are so fat and stupid that they believe this is about forcing anal sex on Russians trapped in the east of the Ukraine. That’s what the government is saying most of the time. They’re saying that the Ukraine’s borders are sacred and forever unchanging, so the people in the east of the Ukraine have no choice in anything.

But sometimes, the US government does just come out and say they’re trying to overthrow the government of Russia.

What we need to focus on right now is the fact that this war against Russia is racist because an attack on Russia is an attack on Africa.

The US government is blowing up pipelines. This is all ridiculous.

What are we even doing here?

Why is no one saying anything?