White Homeless Woman Murdered by Shirtless Negroid Predator

Daily Stormer
July 3, 2017

It was the perfect crime.

And he would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn’t for those meddling cops.

They say crime doesn’t pay, but just imagine how wealthy this good boy would have been if he would have successfully mugged this hobo without getting caught.

Really makes you think, doesn’t it?

The :

Beaumont Police released a report Thursday that details the events leading up to the death of a Beaumont homeless woman.

Brandon Julian Jamol Coleman, 26, of Beaumont; was booked into the Jefferson County Jail Wednesday with a $1 million bond for the murder of Catherine Dungan.

In a probable cause affidavit from the Beaumont Police Department, investigators wrote that multiple witnesses had seen Dungan get into a silver car that matched the description of a 2005 Ford Focus owned by Coleman’s mother. Video surveillance showed Coleman getting into the car shortly before Dungan was seen in it. A witness was able to identify Coleman in a photo line-up as the man seen driving the car with Dungan in the passenger seat.

A preliminary autopsy report lists Dungan’s cause of death as manual asphyxiation via homicide. According to the affidavit, Dungan’s hands were bound behind her back and there were obvious signs of a sexual assault.