White House Says Texas Banning Vax Mandates is About “Politics”

I don’t not support Governor Abbott doing things to fight the hoax. However, you should understand – he is only doing that because Ron DeSantis is doing it, and he looks bad if he doesn’t keep up with DeSantis.

Yahoo! News:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott continue to battle the White House over how to curb the coronavirus pandemic, with both Republican governors challenging the vaccination requirements for businesses that were announced last month by the Biden administration. The mandate at issue covers any employer of more than 100 people, including federal employees, as well as employees of hospitals that receive federal assistance.

On Monday, Abbott signed an executive order forbidding any vaccine mandates in Texas. On the same day, DeSantis announced that his administration would be investigating entities that allegedly violated a Florida law prohibiting vaccine “passports.”

Among the supposed violators is an Orlando venue that hosted a concert by British singer Harry Styles. Proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test was required for entry.

Asked Tuesday about the purported motivation for Abbott’s move, White House press secretary Jen Psaki answered bluntly, with a single word: “Politics.” The two Republican governors have also led the party’s resistance to school-based mask mandates. President Biden had previously criticized that fight as motivated purely by political considerations.

DeSantis emerged over the summer as a leading contender for the 2024 presidential nomination, despite more than 50,000 people having died from COVID-19 in Florida, which was hit especially hard by the more transmissible Delta variant of the coronavirus. The state ranks 10th in per capita deaths from COVID-19.

Abbott is also rumored to be potentially considering a White House run. More than 68,000 people have died from COVID-19 in Texas, which ranks 20th among U.S. states for deaths from the virus per capita.

“I think it’s pretty clear when you make a choice that’s against all public health information and data out there,” Psaki went on to say, “that it’s not based on what is in the interest of the people you are governing. It’s perhaps in the interest of your own politics.”

So what are we supposed to believe is the purpose of the White House pushing these mandates?

Surely, at this point, no one can argue with a straight face that this is still about a virus?

I mean if someone tries to say that this is about “saving lives,” surely they will start cracking up laughing before they can finish their sentence, right?

The best argument that the White House could make is “we’ve been bought off by Big Pharma.” That is at least believable, and distracts from the fact that they are using this vaccine as a purity test to see who is allowed to participate in their new society.

Abbott needs to enforce this. There is at least one hospital in Houston where nurses have lost their jobs because they refused to take this deadly vaccine, and they should now be able to sue that hospital for some serious damages. Or, if they don’t think they can successfully sue because they were fired before the Governor signed the law, they should get their jobs back, and they should sue Abbott for not implementing the law fast enough.

People should sue Abbott over the border as well.

Just sue him for anything.

You think a jury is going to side with a guy who can’t even walk?