Whore Who Fucked Jeffrey Epstein for Money Whines That She was “Raped”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 10, 2019

I’m back in that same situation I was in with the whole #metoo thing, where I’m so happy to see Jews go down, but feel zero sympathy for the alleged “victims” of the Jew – who are being framed as “rape victims,” but are in fact simply paid prostitutes.

New York Post:

Another one of Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged victims has come forward, saying the billionaire pedophile raped her at age 15 at his multimillion-dollar Manhattan townhouse.

Jennifer Araoz was a fresh-faced 14-year-old when she was recruited to become part of Epstein’s harem of underage victims, she told NBC News.

What started off as mostly nude massages escalated into rape, she said.

“He raped me, forcefully raped me,” Araoz, now 32, told the network. “He knew exactly what he was doing.”

Araoz’s nightmare began in 2001, when a woman in her 20s approached her outside her high school, The Talent Unlimited, on the Upper East Side and chatted her up about her upbringing, her family and their finances.

“I was kind of a lost kid and she sensed it,” Araoz said.

Soon, the woman introduced the teen to Epstein at his East 71st Street townhouse, where she opened up to the much older financier about wanting to become a Broadway actress and how her dad had died of AIDS when she was 12.

Epstein told her that the teen “very lucky to have met somebody like him” and “that he could really help me,” she recalled.

One day, Epstein took Araoz on a tour of his $77 million home — leading her to what he called his “favorite room in the house,” she recalled.

It was the massage room — equipped with a table on the floor and a photo of a nude woman on the wall.

For a year, Araoz said, she was brainwashed into giving Epstein massages while wearing only her underwear. He would masturbate until he finished — and then leave her $300.

What kind of “brainwashing”?

Brainwashing like in A Clockwork Orange, where you get strapped into a chair with electrodes hooked up to your head and are forced to watch traumatic images?

Or are we using that term extremely casually?

But in 2002, Araoz claimed, Epstein told her to remove her underwear because he wanted to “try something a little bit different.”

“Why don’t you do the massage on top of me?” he asked, before raping her.

“It was very aggressive, it was forceful,” she recalled. “I was terrified, and I was telling him to stop. ‘Please stop.’”

She said she never returned to his home after that day — but that the trauma of her last encounter with Epstein took a toll on her. She dropped out of school to avoid going to his neighborhood and suffered from anxiety and panic attacks.

“I kind of hated myself for it,” Araoz said. “I was like, ‘I’m stupid, I should have known better. I’m a bad kid.’”

“I basically just tried to forget about it and live my life,” she said.

Asked why she never went to authorities, Araoz said she was scared.

“I was so young that I was worried that somehow I would get in trouble,” she said. “I was really frightened of Epstein. He knew a lot of powerful people and I didn’t know what he could do to me, and I wasn’t sure that anyone could protect me.”

“In the year I spent watching him masturbate while I played with his nipples for $300 an hour, I never could have imagined he would try to have sex with me. I was such an innocent 15-year-old, I didn’t even know what sex was.”

Seriously, how stupid are women?

No, let me phrase this a different way: how stupid do women think men are? 

Ah, but men really are as stupid as women think they are.

I guarantee that 99% of men will read that and think “that horrible brute! How he abused that vulnerable young lassie! Look at her! She’s crying tears! We must save her honor!”

The 1% like me sitting here saying “dude, she’s a fucking whore, who cares?” then become subject to the same level of hatred as the supposed “abuser” himself.

Jews are the devil.

Jeffrey Epstein is the devil.

But everything he’s done – at least everything we know of – amounted to simply asking people to do things. He asked young girls to come do sexual things for money, he asked rich people to come have sex with these girls on video in order to get promoted in life.

The devil doesn’t make anyone do anything, does he? 

If we as a people return to God, we will have no trouble exterminating these Jews.