Why Rotherham Police Chief is More Concerned with Helping Paki-Stani Perverts Than White Victims

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
September 9, 2014

Police chief Shaun Wright thought that the Muslim rapists were only doing it because they were unaware of the distress they were causing.

The South Yorkshire Crime Commissioner has been trying to make excuses for his behaviour in an article for the subversive Fabian Society.

Turns out he was just trying to bring communities together, by giving the mud-slime a free ticket to rape White children.

Daily Star:

Embattled police chief Shaun Wright has been accused of being more concerned with helping the “perpetrators of crime” than the victims of sexual abuse in Rotherham.

The attack came after the South Yorkshire Crime Commissioner outlined his thoughts in an article for the left-leaning Fabian Society.

Wright explained his beliefs in cutting crime by bringing victims and perpetrators together to find a “positive way forward”.

Rotherham’s former cabinet member for children’s services wrote: “Often, perpetrators of crime are unaware of the distress they have caused and victims can feel that, whilst the criminal has been punished, they have not been able to properly come to terms with what they have experienced.”

But last night Simon Danczuk, the Rochdale MP who investigated paedophile MP Cyril Smith, said: “These rapists knew exactly what they were doing and were well aware of the horrific harm they were causing to these young girls.

“This article goes some way to explaining why there’ve been more than 1,400 victims of child sex abuse in Rotherham but only five prosecutions.

“The Police Commissioner has been more worried about trying to bring together the attacker and the victim than he has been with getting arrests.

“If he’d spent less time writing politically correct nonsense like this and more time pursuing rapists, South Yorkshire would be a safer place.”

Do the people that do this look like they understand empathy and repentance?

This is the common mistake that so many people make. They project their own morals and standards onto different races and rationalise their atrocious behaviour as being because the different ethnicity was unaware of the distress it was causing. We see the same tactic used on the TV when they show distraught parents appealing for their child’s kidnapper to please let their child go. They never let the child go, because causing as much distress as possible plays a large part in why they do it in the first place. They want to cause as much distress as possible. When these creatures then see us projecting our values onto them ‘by bringing victims and perpetrators together to find a “positive way forward,’ they just despise us all the more, seeing us as weak, gullible and deserving of having our children raped by them.

This propensity to always looking for the best in someone and not wanting to believe bad of them, comes from our own ability to empathise, forgive and repent. This part of our psyche does not exist in the other races and projecting it onto them, leaves us wide open to the kind of attack we have seen at Rotherham. If the other races had the ability to repent, then they would have some history of it in their cultures, which they do not. The only race that has ever had empathy and forgiveness as a part of their culture is the White race, specifically in Christianity, our religion. It is the ultimate act of ingratitude and blasphemy to then project this ability onto those who do not have it and have never even shown the faintest hint of it in their own societies.

They can see full well that we have something that they do not and their resentment against us is compounded all the more, by the fact that we do not realise this great gift that we have. They may make a pretence of understanding it, but that is all that it is. They do not have an inbuilt conscience like we have, just an approximation of it taught to them through reward and punishment. This is why the punishments of Sharia law are so barbaric. There is no room for repentance in Sharia because they are incapable of repenting.

This is why they make such a fuss over homosexuality, while having the largest amount of online Sodomites in Pakistan. This is why they make such a fuss over a girls honour in India, yet constantly rape and kill when ever no-one is looking. This is why they claim the moral high ground in Britain, while raping thousands of White schoolchildren around the country while their community looks on and says nothing. They do not have the same souls that we have, which should be so obvious just from looking at them.

They will continue to take advantage of us and our ways, until we do realise what it is that makes us different to them and start excluding them from our laws and communities entirely.

This is so offensive and deceitful, it looks like a great big gorrillas paw there and we know that the verse has been censored. They will keep on pushing us like this until we snap and the reason for this happening, is so that we finally realise what it is that we have, that they do not.