Women Outraged After Relationship Expert Advises Man to Break Up with Slut Over Body Count

If a woman doesn’t have a hymen, she’s a whore.

You might as well assume she’s had sex with over 1,000 men.

It doesn’t matter if she says “oh, I only had sex with my nerd boyfriend in high school.”

You can’t prove that.

Mary Madigan

God made hymens so you can tell if she’s a whore.

That’s the only reason that piece of skin exists.

It literally proves intelligent design, by a God who has no respect for dirty sluts.

But it doesn’t have a meter on it.

She’s a virgin or she’s a whore. Period.

Mary Madigan, know as “the Beast,” writes for News.com.au:

Women are still being judged based on how many sexual partners they’ve had in 2023.

There’s a TikTok with more than 30,000 likes in which Jake Maddock, a relationship expert, advises an anonymous man to break up with his partner after she revealed how many men she’d slept with.

She was also lying.

No woman ever told the truth about this, ever.

Any man who thinks a woman told the truth about this is mentally ill.

It is essential to point out the video has 30,000 likes — not views, likes.

An anonymous man turned to Maddock for advice and explained that his girlfriend revealed, without him asking, that she’d slept with 62 men and she was only 25.

Jake Maddock

Perhaps this could have been used as a teaching moment, where Maddock could have explained that any issues the man had with his girlfriend’s sexual past was a reflection of his own issues, insecurities and ingrained misogyny.


You let women make decisions.

This is what you get.

He could have calmly outlined that women shouldn’t be defined, judged or seen differently based on their sexual experiences.

That wasn’t what happened.

Maddock made a few of the standard quips about her “body count,” called the man’s girlfriend “busy” and said she’d had a “good time.”

Then he advised the anonymous man to cut ties with his girlfriend.

He could have told him to cut something other than ties.

If we lived in a just country.

Maddock said he would be better off ending the relationship and “starting fresh” with someone else because she’d done “irreparable damage” by revealing how many men she’d previously slept with.

He told the man the information would always “plague” him if he stayed with her and joked that the boyfriend got to be number 63.

The relationship expert did advise that no one should tell anyone how many people they’ve slept with before getting into a relationship.

The comments section, at least, wasn’t just men slamming women for daring to have sex lives before meeting their boyfriends … but there was plenty of it.

Would it be okay for a man to have a body count of 62?” one woman asked.


Men don’t have vaginas.

So the question doesn’t even make sense.