After recording multiple hostage videos apologizing for not agreeing with CNN and for referring to niggers by the n-word, Joe Rogan has fired back at CNN.
During a podcast with BASED Jew Dave Smith on Thursday, Rogan said that if CNN wants people to stop listening to him and start listening to them instead, they should make better content.
Joe Rogan: ‘Nobody Listens To’ Brian Stelter And Don Lemon As ‘The Voice Of Reason’
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) February 11, 2022
CNN’s current plan to force people to watch their terrible TV channel is to get Joe Rogan banned from the internet. This would be like if in 2010, the CEO of Nokia planned to have Steve Jobs assassinated. Morality aside, it’s a very weird strategy.
I don’t think if Joe Rogan gets banned, people are going to say “welp, I guess I’ll just have to go watch Brian Stelter.” This is not logical thinking.
Of course, it is logical, because CNN’s job is not actually to get people to watch their programs, it is to silence other people. CNN played a big role in getting me banned from everything, and they were solely responsible for getting Alex Jones banned from everything. Alex Jones was literally banned from Twitter for insulting a CNN journalist.
That literally happened.
They’ve gotten everyone banned from everything, but it is not helping their ratings.
So, the logical conclusion is that they are not so much a news channel as they are a censorship lobbying group.
“The answer is not to silence me, the answer is [for] you to do better,” Rogan said, reasonably. “The answer is for you to have better arguments. When you’re on television talking about how I’m taking horse paste, and you know that’s not true. ‘He’s taking horse dewormer.’”
“What you should have said, ‘How did Joe Rogan get better so quick? How come he got COVID that’s killing everybody and he was better in five days, negative in five days, working out in six days?’ How come that’s never discussed?” Rogan asked, apparently rhetorically.
“If you want to do better, just fucking change your model, change the way you do it. Stop this editorial perspective with guys like Brian Stelter and Don Lemon that nobody listens to.”

The BASED Jew Dave Smith pointed out that you would first have to assume that their goal is to tell people the truth about things. Which would be a lunatic assumption.
Even if you don’t know about Jews or the World Economic Forum or anything else, you have this little issue:
Pfizer presumably pays them more money with these “sponsorship deals” (actually bribery) than they could ever make selling commercial spots. So they’re just censorship hitmen for Pfizer.
Also, they are Jews who are trying to mass exterminate people with a deadly vaccine to bring in a Great Reset of transhumanism and bugs as food.
But again – you don’t have to say that.
They are paid by special interest groups to silence people.
It is an interesting angle that they are a media operation with the focus of silencing their alleged competition, and they should be criminally investigated for that, but the goal is clearly not to increase viewership.
People have said that they might be changing their narrative on the coronavirus because of bad ratings – but that is false. They are changing their narrative on the coronavirus – temporarily, I promise – because the Biden people and the rest of the global kikeocracy have no idea how to deal with people parking trucks on roads and just leaving them there.
This Truckistan thing is going global.
I’m sure Don Lemon has asked if we could bring in Decepticons through a black hole.
“What if the solution is something we don’t fully understand? A lot of people have been asking about summoning Megatron to crush the trucker protest. I know it’s preposterous. But is it that preposterous?”
They can’t bend to the truckers’ demands, so instead they start coming out with “oh well, The Science has changed, so maybe we shouldn’t wear masks and force everyone to do all of these other insane things so much.”
That ultra Satan Planned Parenthood woman literally said “The Science changed.”
CNN medical expert Leana Wen on mandatory face masks: "The science has changed"
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) February 8, 2022
This is actually a good strategy, frankly.
They’ve already done mass vaxing. They’ve destroyed all small businesses, they’ve done a massive wealth transferral, they’ve crushed everyone’s souls into dust.
They can take a quick victory lap and fake-out the truckers until they figure out a better plan to stop them. Then, in a few months: NEW VARIANT.
People are already dying in huge numbers from the vaccine, so they can just start pointing at these vaccine deaths and say that is the new variant. The cardiac arrest variant. The Omega Doom variant that gives you heart attacks, brain bleeding, every cancer and neurological disease.
Meanwhile, they are still vaxing.
Keeping on vaxing.
Fauci: "There may be the need for yet again another booster, in this case, a fourth dose boost … that could be based on age as well as underlying conditions"
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) February 9, 2022
It’s good to see Rogan at least say something in his own defense.
I wish he had more self-esteem. He’s really short, and sometimes that just messes with people’s heads for the rest of their lives. You’d think he’d be like “nigga, I’m ballin’.” But instead he records hostage videos and literally married a single mother with a black child.
I also think he’s getting really bad advice from Jews who he thinks are his friends but who actually want to destroy him. He never should have apologized. Maybe he could have done a “sorry not sorry” thing about the nigger tape, but if he did that, he should have immediately went on the attack and said “this has been out there in the public domain for ten years – why do you think they’re posting it now? At the same time that the literal government is calling for me to be silenced? No one cared about this nigger tape until they declared a war against me.”
There is an old saying: if you’re on the defense, you’re losing.
He should be nonstop offense, instead of apologizing.
His audience doesn’t want him to apologize. So who is he apologizing for?
Dr. Robert Malone was recently on Tucker Carlson’s interview show and basically called Rogan a fag cuck.
Rogan is the single most popular broadcaster in the world.
Why on earth does he allow people so far below him to bully him?
I have more readers than any CNN show has viewers.
Rogan should be taking advice from Alex Jones.
He’s an MMA fighter.
Surely he understands that to win a fight, you have to actually fight back. You don’t curl up in a ball and apologize to the opponent.