Xi and Putin Hold Talks, Vow to Strengthen Sino-Friendship

Tucker Carlson is saying we should stop the war with Russia so we can start a war with the Chinese.

He apparently believes that you are so low information that you do not grasp that a war with China would also be a war with Russia, because they are very close allies.

Or maybe he’s just sort of dumb? Maybe Adam Schiff could go explain to him that actually, a war with Russia is basically the same thing as a war with China, and if we want to fight one we’re eventually going to have to fight the other, and he’d just join the Democrat Party?

He already agrees with them about so-called “anal marriage.” If he learns about the Russia-China alliance, he can just get on board with their version of WWIII and then everyone will get along.


Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping vowed Friday to deepen their bilateral cooperation against the backdrop of Moscow’s 10-month war in Ukraine, which weathered another night of drone and rocket attacks following a massive missile bombardment.

Putin and Xi made no direct mention of Ukraine as they held bilateral talks via videoconference. But they hailed strengthening ties between Moscow and Beijing amid what they called “geopolitical tensions” and a “difficult international situation.”

In the face of increasing geopolitical tensions, the significance of the Russian-Chinese strategic partnership is growing as a stabilizing factor,” Putin said. He invited Xi to visit Moscow in the spring.

Putin, during his call with Xi, noted that military cooperation has a “special place” in the relationship between their countries. He said the Kremlin aimed to “strengthen the cooperation between the armed forces of Russia and China.”

Xi, in turn, said through a translator that “in the face of a difficult and far from straightforward international situation,” Beijing was ready “to increase strategic cooperation with Russia, provide each other with development opportunities, be global partners for the benefit of the peoples of our countries and in the interests of stability around the world.”

Ties between Moscow and Beijing have grown stronger since Putin sent his troops into Ukraine on Feb. 24. Just last week, Moscow and Beijing held joint naval drills in the East China Sea.

China, which has promised a “no limits” friendship with Russia, has pointedly refused to criticize Moscow’s actions in Ukraine, blaming the U.S. and NATO for provoking the Kremlin, and has blasted the punishing sanctions imposed on Russia.

Wait, Sino-Friendship has no limits?

Always has been.

The context of these announcements should not escape you.

They are doing this while the US is at war with Russia and while they are threatening a war with the Chinese.

Everything is getting set up for World War III.