Xi Invites Iran’s President to China to Deepen Ties Between the Two Countries

The “Axis of Evil” is really just the “Axis of Countries That Don’t Have Gay Marriage.”

When you see it, you can’t unsee it.

World War III is just World War Anus.


Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi will make an official visit to China next week, the Chinese Foreign Ministry has said.

Raisi’s planned visit will take place between February 14 and 16 and is at the invitation of Chinese leader Xi Jinping, the ministry announced in a statement on Sunday.

The three-day trip will include talks between Raisi and Xi, a joint meeting of the leaders with Iranian and Chinese businessmen, and the signing of cooperation documents between the delegations of the two countries, according to Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency.

Also reporting on the upcoming visit, US outlet Politico said that it is “expected to deepen ties between the two political and economic partners that are opposed to the US-led Western domination of international affairs.”

It seems to me that this is reasonable enough, no?

We keep hearing that these people are evil for not doing enough gay sex with men (“faggots”), but what about America telling everyone to do what they say?

Why should people be forced to have gay sex?

Don’t they have freedoms?