Ye: “Whether It’s My Money, My Reputation, Or My Life, I’m Not Taking This Shit No More”

The long version of Ye’s Drink Champs interview dropped on Sunday night, and it’s as awesome as the first part. On the whole, what I covered regarding the first part is the most important stuff. But the whole interview is worth listening to.

The best new part is when Ye kept saying they’re going to have to kill him. He understands the stakes, because they already want to kill him.

Ye is the single greatest person who ever lived in all of history since Christ, or at least since Adolf Hitler. He’s gone full on. He’s not backing down, and they’re gonna have to kill him.

They probably won’t actually kill him, because that would be too obvious. They want to completely defame him as insane, then sue him for everything. They are going to metoo him and SEC investigate him, and everything else.

The number one thing Ye needs to do is get good people around him. I think Candace Owens is smart, but from what I’ve seen, she’s down to ride, but not down to ride or die, if you feel me. He needs people who are as committed as he is to bringing down the Jews and restoring God and freedom in this country. Anyone who is less committed than him is just going to bring him down.