Zelensky Orders NATO to Pay $5 Billion a Month to Cover Costs of Pretending There’s a Chance to Win

The Ukraine is somehow more Jewish than Israel.

At least Israel has some kind of explanation for their demands. Palestinians exist and are in theory a threat to the Jews. Russians are not even theoretically a threat to the Ukrainians, and the only reason there is a war is that the Ukraine had a violent revolution (funded by the West) and started murdering Russians, then started saying they were going to put nukes on Russia’s border.

We can see in the territories that Russia has already taken that they are not changing anyone’s way of life, and the quality of living in territories that are absorbed by Russia is going to go up.

The Ukraine people have no dog in this fight, and the West refuses to explain their own involvement, instead simply censoring anyone who dares to ask what is even going on here.


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has urged the US-led NATO bloc to ramp up support of his country amid the ongoing conflict with Russia, claiming that Kiev’s defeat would result in a “delayed” war between Moscow and the whole West. Zelensky made the remarks as he addressed the NATO summit in Madrid via a video link on Wednesday.

It’s either urgent aid to Ukraine sufficient for victory, or a delayed war between Russia and you,” Zelensky told NATO leaders.

The country needs both direct military and financial aid, Zelensky stated, adding that some $5 billion a month was needed to cover its budget deficit. Top Ukrainian officials have repeatedly called upon the West to provide financial support.

“Financial aid for Ukraine has no less significance than arms deliveries,” Zelensky said. “We need some $5 billon every month, you know that. And this is a fundamental thing, needed for defense and protection.”

Once the conflict is over, Ukraine must be provided with a decent place in the Western security architecture, Zelensky insisted, rejecting the prospect of Ukraine remaining in a “gray zone” between Russia and the NATO bloc. “We need security guarantees, and you must find a place for Ukraine in the common security space,” he stressed.

Have to admit – Zelensky is pretty alpha, just demanding people do all these things for him, and threatening them if they refuse to cooperate.

He’s also alpha because he literally refuses to put a shirt on, and goes to official meetings with world leaders in an undershirt. He should show up to one of these meetings unshaven in boxer shorts, just to prove his point.

Speaking of unshaven – why does he shave? Would he look too Jewish if he didn’t? Refusing to shave would fit his “I don’t have time to even put on a shirt because I’m so busy planning my next war strategy” bit.