Zelensky Says It’s Everyone Else’s Fault If the Ukraine Loses, Tries to Guilt-Trip People with Fake War Crimes

This is like déjà vu all over again.

I’m certain we already did this “Russian war crime” bit and it turned out it was all a big hoax.


President Volodymyr Zelenskiy accused Russia on Friday of committing war crimes in Ukraine’s northeast and said it was too early to say the tide of the war was turning despite rapid territorial gains by his forces this month.

The Ukrainian leader also told Reuters in an interview that the outcome of the war with Russia, now in its seventh month, hinged on the swift delivery of foreign weapons to his country.

He compared the situation in newly liberated areas of the northeast “to the bloody soap opera after Bucha“, a town near Kyiv where he accused Russian forces of committing numerous war crimes in the first phase of the war. Moscow denied the charges.

Ah, yes.

Bucha was one of those fake atrocity hoaxes that dropped completely out of the media when people started pointing out that it didn’t make any sense.

I remember now.

“As of today, there are 450 dead people, buried (in the northeastern Kharkiv region). But there are others, separate burials of many people. Tortured people. Entire families in certain territories,” Zelenskiy said.

Asked if there was evidence of war crimes, he said: “All this is there… There is some evidence, and assessments are being conducted, Ukrainian and international, and this is very important for us, for the world to recognise this.”

Wow, Reuters suggesting he might not have evidence.

That’s interesting.

The Kremlin did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Zelenskiy’s new allegations.

Russia regularly denies targeting civilians during what it calls its “special military operation” in Ukraine and has said in the past that accusations of human rights abuses are a smear campaign.

Friday’s interview took place in the president’s office in the heavily-guarded government district, which is now like a citadel for Zelenskiy and his advisers. Sandbags were piled up in the windows of the building’s labyrinthine, dimly-lit corridors.

An air raid siren – used to warn of the danger of incoming missiles – sounded in Kyiv shortly before the interview.

Zelenskiy, who visited Izium on Wednesday, repeated his appeal forWestern countries and others to step up weapons supplies to Ukraine.

We would want more help from Turkey, We would want more help from South Korea. More help from the Arab world. From Asia,” he said.

Holy shit, he’s demanding free money from Arabs and Asians?

Where do the Jews get this nerve?

Zelenskiy also cited “certain psychological barriers” in Germany to supplying military equipment because of its Nazi past but said such supplies were vital for Ukraine to defend itself against what he called Russian “fascism”. He has often accused Berlin of dragging its feet over providing arms.

He lauded Ukraine’s rapid counter-offensive but played down any suggestion that the war was entering some kind of end game. “It’s early to talk about an end to this war,” he said.

The Jews just don’t ever stop.

It’s so obvious.

It is really amazing that this website was banned from everything just for saying what is right in front of everyone’s faces.

Full interview