Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 9, 2014

Clearly, we need a solution to the Black problem in America. More and more and waking up to this painfully obvious fact, as the Blacks riot and rob us and the Black President destroys our country at a pace no normal man could ever fully comprehend.
The obvious solution to this obvious problem is to make Darren Wilson the President of America. He will clean the streets of the filth – as he has already proved himself capable of doing – and restore the damage done to White America by the Jews and their monstrous hordes of Mordor.
In 2016, a Hero will rise…

Some famous figures have already endorsed this agenda:
“If there is a man capable of stopping these kikes, it is the Hero Darren Wilson. I whole-heartedly endorse him for the Presidency of America.” -Ben Garrison
“Short of Ben Garrison himself, I cannot think of a better man for President of America than the Hero Darren Wilson.” -Taylor Swift
“Darren Wilson is the last hope for the Aryan race.” -Tom Metzger
“I hereby declare that Darren Wilson shall be ruler of these lands.” -Andrew Anglin
“The Jews murdered Christ. If there is one man capable of making things right, it is Darren Wilson.” -Mel Gibson
Conversely, many of our enemies are outraged at the prospect:
“Darren Wilson is part of a German plan to send us all to FEMA camps! He is the New World Order! He put the fluoride in the water! We need more Black Presidents! I’m for freedom!” -Alex Jones
“Darren Wilson has already declared he will cut support to Israel. We have to stand against his Antisemitic agenda, and support our only ally.” -Rand Paul
“First he be murdered dat innocence chald, na dees craggas treys ta make da muffuggen pressency. Sheeeeeeeeeeeet.” -Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama