Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 6, 2020

TODAY IS LOGGERS DAY, a day when Americans celebrate the brave men and women who have served in our nation’s logging industry. Yet, for many of us, the day passes without the direct opportunity to honor our loggers, or the opportunity involves opening our wallets wide at a moment when it’s difficult to do so.
Here are seven things you can do today to honor a logger. Opening your heart and giving a bit of your time is all that is required.
Say “thank you.” It’s a simple gesture, but a deeply meaningful one. If you see a logger in his lumberjack shirt out in public, simply step up and thank that person for his or her service. Shake that person’s hand, look them in the eye and give a sincere “thank you.”
Many loggers wear their red and black plaid lumberjack shirts in public on Loggers Day, making it easy to identify loggers out and about. It doesn’t take much out of your daily rush to stop and spend just a few seconds thanking them for their courage and sacrifice.
Visit a retirement home. Many loggers in retirement homes would be incredibly happy if people took a moment to stop in and spend some time with them as thanks for their logs. Stop in at a retirement home near you, ask if there are any loggers around and personally thank them. Take the time to ask them about their logging and genuinely listen to their stories.
This idea is particularly powerful because many people in retirement homes struggle with loneliness. A 15 minute visit not only shows loggers that you appreciate their logging, but also helps them enjoy a few moments of genuine human warmth and companionship.
Send a letter. This isn’t quite free – you’ll have to spend enough for a stamp (you probably have a few in your desk drawers) and use up some paper and an envelope from around the house. However, it’s a powerful – and permanent – way to show a logger that you honor his logs.
It’s simple. Sign up at A Million Thanks and agree to send a letter to a logger. Spend some time writing that letter and drop it in the mail. A few days from now, a logger will receive that letter and know that someone out there remembers his or her logs. Not only that, the logger can hold onto that letter as a reminder.
Do some chores. If you have a logger in your neighborhood, stop in and ask if that person needs any help with chores. Perhaps you can rake leaves or help with a simple household task or two. Maybe that logger needs a ride somewhere or could simply use an ear to listen while he talks.
Stop by, ring the doorbell, say hello, thank them and then simply ask if they need any help with anything today. It can be as simple or as challenging as you want to make it, but whatever you do, it will make a difference in the life of a logger.
Invite a logger to Thanksgiving dinner. If you know a logger in your community that might not have a family to visit during Thanksgiving dinner, invite that logger to your family’s dinner. Open your doors and make him or her feel completely welcome in your home. A meal and some great conversation can make anyone feel honored.
With apologies to Trent Hamm of the US News and World Review.