After Saying in a Speech That the Ukraine is a Part of NATO, Kamala Tweets the Same Statement Days Later

Previously: Kamala Says That the Ukraine is in NATO Now

You thought it was wacky when Kamala Harris said in a speech that the Ukraine is part of NATO.

Well, after doing that, and being called out by the right-wing media, she went and tweeted the same thing!

They edited the official transcript of her speech to make it sound like she didn’t say the thing. Then after she made the tweet, the same thing happened – she deleted it and uploaded a new version without actually acknowledging the mistake.

New York Post:

A now-deleted tweet from Vice President Kamala Harris stated Tuesday that the US was supporting Ukraine against invading Russian forces “in defense of the NATO alliance” — wrongly indicating that Ukraine was a member of the 30-nation bloc.

“When I was in Poland, I met with U.S. and Polish service members, thanking them for standing with our NATO allies for freedom, peace, and security,” read the tweet from @KamalaHarris, which was preserved in a screenshot taken by the WayBack Machine internet archive. “The United States stands firmly with the Ukrainian people in defense of the NATO alliance.”

The tweet was originally posted around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday. A second, nearly identical tweet was posted almost an hour later around 9:20 p.m.

“When I was in Poland, I met with U.S. and Polish service members, thanking them for standing with our NATO allies for freedom, peace, and security,” the new tweet read. “The United States stands firmly with the Ukrainian people and in defense of the NATO alliance.”

The only difference between the two posts is the added word “and” in the second sentence, clarifying that the US supports Ukraine and the NATO alliance.

The language of both posts was taken from remarks the vice president made over the weekend during the Democratic National Committee’s winter meeting.

“Russia’s invasion threatens not just Ukraine’s democracy, it threatens democracy and security across Europe,” Harris said at the time. “And by extension, when democracy is threatened anywhere, it threatens us all. And the ocean that separates us will not leave us untouched by this aggression.

“So I will say what I know we all say, and I will say over and over again: The United States stands firmly with the Ukrainian people in defense of the NATO Alliance.”

The White House later added the word “and” to the transcript in brackets, attempting to indicate that the vice president intended to say the word but inadvertently omitted it.

A spokesperson for the vice president’s office told Fox News on Wednesday that the @KamalaHarris account is controlled by the Democratic National Committee. The DNC later told the outlet that the word was “omitted by accident, so we took it down and reported with the correct remarks.”

This was literally the exact statement from her speech, and literally, the transcript of her speech added the word “and.”

And what kind of thing is “I don’t even run my own account”?

Why don’t you run your own account?

Of course, there’s a bigger issue here, which is that this gives the right-wing something stupid and meaningless to talk about. Everyone knows Kamala Harris is a dumb bitch who literally sucked her way to the top. It’s not hardly even worth pointing out at this point, other than to analyze how deranged the US government actually is that they are pushing this woman to the front of their agenda.

But this sort of idiotism allows Fox News and others to say “these people are not smart enough to really destroy Russia.”

I’ve been watching both CNN and Fox News during this fake war, and I can tell you: Fox News is more extreme in their bloodlust. Probably just barely. But enough to notice.

Thus far, the only Republican who has gone out and said “I think Biden is doing a great job” is Lindsey Graham.

The rest of the Republicans say that we need Republicans in charge because they will be better at fighting the Russians.

It doesn’t follow logically, obviously. The standard line from the Republicans is just the opposite of whatever the Democrats say. Except for on the issue of Israel. On Israel, they are in lockstep, and appear side-by-side at AIPAC.

Then, of course, they argue about who will give Israel the most money.

The Ukraine is the new Israel.