AI to Make College Degrees Obsolete and Take Over Software Engineers’ Jobs, LinkedIn Says

Andrew Anglin started this website in 2013, and at that time, he was telling kids that most of the college degrees they would be going to school for would be useless around the time they really started making money in their career.

It was more of an obvious observation of what was already happening with automation ten years ago than it was a prophecy.

But here we are.

New York Post:

The golden standard of the bachelor’s degree is in peril as artificial intelligence rapidly advances and employers seek workers who are well-versed in that technology.

“AI’s going to make it virtually impossible for a one-off moment of learning [like a degree] to last an entire career,” LinkedIn CEO Ryan Roslansky said this week at the Talent Connect Summit, a conference of the country’s 2,000 top recruiters.

As smart tech progresses, jobs will be expected to evolve, placing an emphasis on people skills rather than trade tasks that can be learned by a machine.


Everything is going to be done by machines, so people will be obsolete for any task other than engaging with other people.

Actually, no.

People already have functional AI girlfriends. Or they did before they started banning the use of ChatGPT for girlfriend purposes. I don’t see how the average millennial is going to have more “people skills” than an AI that can be programmed with any personality.

Even technophobes would prefer to interact with a pleasant AI than a tranny or fat woman.

LinkedIn executives highlighted the “critical” need for up-skilling as AI technology develops, meaning that employee adaptability will be an expectation, rendering program-oriented four-year degrees virtually useless.

As a result of technological innovation in the past decade, whole industries have turned “upside down,” Indeed CEO Chris Hyams said last month as he also warned that college-learned skills could become “obsolete.”

Job skills are projected to change by 65% by 2030, according to data from LinkedIn, as listings mentioning ChatGPT or similar generative AI have increased by more than 20-fold since last year.

That’s a lot of percents. It’s 10% per year.

Obviously (I think it’s obvious), there is no way of making that calculation. So it’s just a number someone pulled out of their ass. But it is meant to communicate that this is very extreme.

All computer programmers, all journalists and writers, even most doctors and lawyers, are out of jobs.

College was always a goofy jerk-off. But being in college now is serious deck chairs on the Titanic type stuff.

I advise anyone in college now to drop out and become a hardcore wilderness survivalist.

According to the platform’s survey, 47% of US executives believed that AI could enhance productivity in the workplace, as some plan to integrate the technology into their organizations within the year.

The company’s Future of Work Report estimated the fraction of tasks that could be performed by a machine by occupation — saying 96% of a software engineer’s job could benefit or be taken over by AI, while only 6% of a nurse’s job could potentially be augmented by the software.

Again, these numbers are based on nothing.

Why would you need 94% of nurses? What do they do that a machine can’t do better? I suppose humans will be doing blood tests for a while, but the AI can analyze the results.

Nurses are going to be more needed than doctors, because a doctor is primarily an expert analyzer, and the machines can do that much better. The machines can also do better surgery.

Go type “robot surgery” and see what you find out.

Right now, they’re using robots for brain surgery because it’s more efficient and safer. We haven’t even gotten into the “maximizing economic benefit” part of it yet.

Top surgeons are paid $1,000 an hour.


That money now belongs to the hedge fund that owns company that owns the hospital that owns the robots!
