Amnesty International Debunks Its Own Report Blaming the Ukraine for Civilian Deaths

This is a repeat of various recent events involving human rights groups.

The UN initially said that the “gassing own people” stories in Syria were hoaxes, then apologized, and said “oh no, they must be real, sorry.” The same thing happened with the UN and the shelling of the Ukrainian nuclear power plant that is under Russian control.

The Guardian:

A leaked internal review commissioned by Amnesty International is said to have concluded there were significant shortcomings in a controversial report prepared by the rights group that accused Ukraine of illegally endangering citizens by placing armed forces in civilian areas.

The report, issued last August, prompted widespread anger in Ukraine, leading to an apology from Amnesty and a promise of a review by external experts of what went wrong. Among those who condemned the report was Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, who accused Amnesty of “shift[ing] the responsibility from the aggressor to the victim”.

Leaked to the New York Times, that unpublished review has concluded that the report was “written in language that was ambiguous, imprecise and in some respects legally questionable”, according to the newspaper.

In particular, the report’s authors were criticised for language that appeared to suggest “many or most of the civilian victims of the war died as a result of Ukraine’s decision to locate its forces in the vicinity of civilians” at a time when Russian forces were deliberately targeting civilians.

“This is particularly the case with the opening paragraphs, which could be read as implying – even though this was not AI’s intention – that, on a systemic or general level, Ukrainian forces were primarily or equally to blame for the death of civilians resulting from attacks by Russia.”

The Ukraine uses human shields as a key strategy. Maybe “the” key strategy. No one can really refute that.

Saying “oh well, actually, they wouldn’t be using human shields if Russia didn’t invade, so it’s Russia’s fault they’re using human shields” is goofy and undermines the entire concept of war crimes and rules of engagement that these very international bodies have established.