Anti-White Agitating for Fun and Profit

Daily Stormer
January 18, 2017

This is what professional communism looks like

Getting a little light in the pockets, goyim? Have the nation wrecking kikes destroyed the job market in your town, leaving you somewhat less than economically viable? Well, buck up! Your benevolent Elders of Zion want you to know about this money making opportunity you thought you could only dream about!

Washington Times:

Donald Trump may have a point about paid protesters: Job ads running in more than 20 cities offer $2,500 per month for agitators to demonstrate at this week’s presidential inauguration events.

Demand Protest, a San Francisco company that bills itself as the “largest private grassroots support organization in the United States,” posted identical ads Jan. 12 in multiple cities on seeking “operatives.”

“Get paid fighting against Trump!” says the ad.

“We pay people already politically motivated to fight for the things they believe. You were going to take action anyways, why not do so with us!” the ad continues. “We are currently seeking operatives to help send a strong message at upcoming inauguration protests.”

The job offers a monthly retainer of $2,500 plus “our standard per-event pay of $50/hr, as long as you participate in at least 6 events a year,” as well as health, vision and dental insurance for full-time operatives.

Yep, you read that right. Big bucks, plus a sweet insurance package, and all you have to do is be a willing accomplice to International Jewry, allowing them to use you as a weapon against your own people.

They’ll sure be glad they have those medical benefits when the Nazis get there!

I have written about this practice before. These organizations purposely recruit the mentally ill and the racially handicapped to be their cannon fodder, and offer higher prices for people with tough guy bona fides, like martial arts belts, boxing experience, or prison time. They send them to various right wing events and hope that between the thugs and the crazies, magic will happen.

It’s insurrection, pure and simple, and it’s against the law.

18 U.S. Code § 2383 – Rebellion or insurrection
Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(L), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

And that’s exactly what they’re doing.

The website, which says that the company has provided 1,817 operatives for 48 campaigns, promises “deniability,” assuring clients that “we can ensure that all actions will appear genuine to media and public observers.”

“We are strategists mobilizing millennials across the globe with seeded audiences and desirable messages,” says the website. “With absolute discretion a top priority, our operatives create convincing scenes that become the building blocks of massive movements. When you need the appearance of outrage, we are able to deliver it at scale while keeping your reputation intact.”

More than 100 left-wing groups, led by organizations such as Occupy Inauguration and the DisruptJ20 coalition, are calling on Trump foes to participate in inauguration protests being organized in Washington, D.C., and all 50 states.

The demonstrations are aimed at disrupting Friday’s inaugural ceremony and parade, as well as balls and festivities pegged to the celebration.

A search by the Washington Times showed the ads also ran in Austin, Charlotte, Colorado Springs, Columbus, Denver, Detroit, El Paso, Fort Worth, Jacksonville, Oakland, Oklahoma City, Omaha, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Tulsa, and Washington, D.C.

The problem is, no one is enforcing the law. They haven’t enforced such laws in a long, long time.

I hope these protests are extremely disruptive. What the anti-White left still can’t process is that this is a new era. The more mayhem they cause, the angrier the silent majority becomes. There is no longer any way for them to win by being loud, obnoxious, and violent. At this point, even the normies realize these people are just paid astroturf, damaged goods with such low expectations that the only way for them to make a few shekels is to cause mayhem and destruction at the behest of the very people they claim to oppose: The bankers, the globalists, the corporate media, the multinationals…in other words, the Jews.

Am I the only one who looks at this image and only sees a dire need for gas chambers?

I don’t think Trump will be letting these insurrectionists have a commie pass like his predecessors. Trump’s Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, seems like just the man to bring these anti-American subhumans to heel. This is gonna get interesting soon.

In the meantime, there’s something you can do. Find out where some antifa will be stinking up an event, and go confront them.

They’re total pussycats when they meet a real Nazi.