AOC Breaks Down Crying After Jews Force Her to Withdraw “No” Vote on Funding Their Murder Machine

AOC has officially sold out every single thing she claimed to believe in.

I am certain she doesn’t care that she sold out all those things, because it is totally impossible for women to have beliefs in the first place.

But of course, she’s going to fake cry and claim the Jews forced her in order to make her supporters think she is sad about her complete surrender of her stated beliefs.


After changing her vote from ‘no’ to a noncommittal ‘present’ at the last moment, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was seen crying as the House passed funding for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system.

The House passed a $1 billion bill on Thursday to replenish Israel’s ‘Iron Dome’ missile defense system, depleted after a week of relentless rocket attacks from Palestinian militants this summer. The funding was originally included in a broader spending bill, but was voted on separately after progressives – including Ocasio-Cortez – threatened to scupper the legislation on Tuesday if it remained included.

The funding bill passed by 420 votes to nine, with two representatives voting ‘present’. Despite her earlier opposition, Ocasio-Cortez switched her vote from ‘no’ to ‘present’ at the final moment.

The New York Congresswoman was then seen weeping on the House floor, and being consoled by fellow Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-Washington), who voted to arm Israel.

It is still unclear why Ocasio-Cortez switched her vote at the last minute, and whether her tears were an expression of genuine anguish at the decision, or an attempt to stave off anger from her progressive supporters. However, AOC has broken with her base in a similar manner before, voting ‘present’ on a bill to provide funding of $2 billion to the Capitol Police earlier this year, despite her advocacy for defunding law enforcement several months earlier. The bill ended up passing by a single vote.

AOC and fellow progressives Ilhan Omar (Minnesota), Rashida Tlaib (Michigan), Cori Bush (Missouri) and Ayanna Pressley (Massachusetts) are commonly known as ‘The Squad’, and typically vote together and are seen as pushing the Democratic Party to the left.

Yet Omar, Tlaib, Bush and Pressley all voted against funding the Iron Dome, with Tlaib delivering a throaty condemnation of Israel’s “violent apartheid” occupation of Palestine and “war crimes” against the Palestinian people.

The difference is, those three are not being promised the presidency.

AOC is being promised total, ultimate power, as long as she bows down to service the Jews with her mouth.

Most leftists don’t care about this and probably actually love Israel, or don’t even know what Israel is and think it is something vaguely to do with the Holocaust.

Actual “progressives” are angry about this, but no one knows who these people are and they’re all about to get banned from Twitter anyway.

I understand that the right-wing hero, Donald Trump, also totally sold out. But it took him longer to do so than it took AOC. This bitch just showed up and started shilling for the Jews and fake crying.

Right now I’m just sitting here wondering if I would have felt better if when Trump sold out, he would have fake cried on TV. I think I probably would have felt a little bit better, honestly. I have to admit that.

By fake crying, AOC is saying “what do you want me to do? This entire system is controlled by Jews, and if I don’t bend to them, I’m out.”