Atari Promises Faggots It’ll Produce Homo Video Games

Daily Stormer
August 16, 2017


Rumor is, they’re working on a new version of Pac Man where the ghosts are trying to sodomize you as you try to gobble up all the NRTI pills on the board.


The GRIDS faggots are after our vidya again.

This time, they’ve managed to corrupt one of the most venerable of our gaming institutions: Atari.

Tbh, the 2600 was before my time. But 70s and 80s kids will remember this. And then, they’ll weep as their childhood is surrendered to the homosexualists.

I can only assume that we’re soon going to see anal-themed versions of Frogger, Defender, Pac-man and Space Invaders.

Engadget :

Atari is making good on its promise to stake part of its strategy on LGBTQ apps.The company has formed a partnership with LGBT Media, the company behind the social app LGBTQutie, to reach more of the community. The deal will see LGBT Media acquire and “re-launch” Atari’s city-building game Pridefest by taking advantage of its connections to the LGBTQ community, including an expansion of the title’s social side. Ultimately, the two hope to create a “new standard” for gaming in a demographic that they see as underserved.

You think these people could enjoy normal games like Starcraft, Doom or Skyrim? Not unlesss they get an AIDS-infused makeover, they can’t.

There are clear incentives on both sides of the deal. For Atari, this is about cornering a relatively untapped market. Witeck Communications estimated in 2013 that the LGBTQ community would have $830 billion in buying power, and Atari hopes to profit while other software companies leave money on the table. For LGBT Media, it’s a chance to boost its reach by associating with an “iconic” brand. There’s no telling how well this will work, but it’s evident that Atari at least wants to be sure its titles properly address the LGBTQ audience — it’s not just paying lip service.

The idea that faggots are some wonderful untapped market for corporations to tap into is completely ridiculous. These people are a tiny minority of the population. Any effort to reach out to them will be offset by a loss in sales from normal people, who see faggots as loathsome, filthy degenerate.

If videogame companies really wanted to make a quick buck by appealing to a specific demographic, they’d make Christian video games where you retake Constantinople while shouting “Deus Vult.”

I sometimes play “Crusader: No Remorse” while imagining the enemies are filthy Saracens. But that might just be me.

There’s a whole lot more Christians than homos in America, I can tell you that.