Atlanta: Jews Find Anti-Semitic Flyers Saying the Talmud is Satanic

How can you have a rules-based order if people say things about Jews that hurt their feelings?

The truth is no defense and it doesn’t matter what the Talmud does or doesn’t say. Like for example, if the Talmud says that Jesus Christ’s mother was a whore, and that Jesus was a wizard who is now in Hell boiling in a vat of feces, that doesn’t matter. That is the Jewish right to say this. What you don’t have as a non-Jew is a right to comment on it.

The only thing that matters is that the Jews were murdered for no reason in fake shower rooms (they tricked them into thinking they were going to take a shower and then insecticide came out of the nozzle) for literally no reason and then they were turned into lighting fixtures and cleaning products.

Because that definitely happened to the Jews (in real life) 80 years ago, no one can say anything negative about them in any context because of our values in a democracy. If people start saying “hey Jews, why did you say these things about our God in your book? Are you satanic?” then pretty soon people will start gassing them once again.

It’s very simple: any criticism of Jews leads to gassing. No one knows why this is, but it is well established through very serious evidence, or at least inconsistent rumors.

So just shut up, or you’re going to prison.


Anti-Semitic flyers were found scattered in driveways across the suburbs of the US city of Atlanta, Georgia on Sunday morning. They were discovered in Sandy Springs and Dunwoody, which are home to many Jewish residents, local officials say.

Dunwoody Police Chief Billy Grogan said the force is “actively investigating” the incident in coordination with the Sandy Springs Police Department.

Dunwoody Mayor Lynn Deutsch shared a photo of a flyer that claims the Jewish Talmud is “Satanic.” “The purpose of activities like this is to cause fear and to divide us,” the mayor wrote on Facebook.

Sandy Springs Mayor Rusty Paul said officials were checking security cameras. “If legal charges are possible, they will be brought,” he said.

“This kind of hate has no place in our state and the individuals responsible do not share Georgia’s values,” Governor Brian Kemp tweeted on Sunday.

You hear that? It’s our values to not ever criticize the Jews.

And what exactly are our values? It’s very simple: our values are who we are in a rules-based order of our values of democracy and human rights.

We don’t ask what’s in the Talmud. That’s not who we are.

If you criticize the Jews, then you’re not who we are. You’re someone else.

So shut up. If you’re a Christian and you don’t like what the Jews say about Jesus, you can move to Russia, buddy. In America, we do not say anything about Jews, ever, unless it is very positive, because we respect when they got made into soap by Hitler.