Australia Doubles Down on Climate Change Austerity Amid Energy Crisis

After Australia went along with the coronavirus regime, they might as well have gotten tattoos on their faces reading “we will do whatever we’re told.”

If they’ll give up all their freedoms and stay locked in their houses under threat of being beaten up by the cops over going out for a cigarette, they’ll submit to not having any electricity.


Sydney residents were urged on Thursday to conserve power in the evening as much as possible to avert blackouts, one day after Australia suspended its spot electricity market due to unscheduled outages at ageing coal-fired utilities.

The Australian Energy Market Operator said it was still too early to say when the market would resume normal operations but added that power capacity reserves had improved in New South Wales.

Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen told households in the state to save power without sacrificing essentials such as heating.

“We are confident we can avoid blackouts,” he said at a televised media conference in Canberra. “If you have a choice about when to run certain items, don’t run them from 6 to 8 (p.m.).”

“It’s the third world except without the personal freedom.”

Power crunches are more likely to occur in the evenings when output from solar and wind farms falls and people head home from work and switch on their appliances.

The suspension of the spot electricity market is unprecedented for Australia and marks the latest drastic step to tackle an energy crisis that began in May. Currently more than a quarter of the country’s coal-fired capacity has been knocked out.

It’s almost like they’re doing it all on purpose!

The explanation for this is that “international leaders” agree that Australians should have their electricity cut.

Sky News:

Australia is now targeting a 43 per cent cut to emissions by 2030, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has revealed.

Mr Albanese on Thursday announced the nation was changing its target to achieve a more substantial emissions cut by the end of the decade compared to what was previously committed to by the Coalition.

“When I’ve spoken with international leaders in the last few weeks, they have all welcomed Australia’s changed position. Our changed position of 43 per cent, up by 17 to 15 per cent, from the 26 to 28 per cent target that has remained there since Tony Abbott determined it in 2015,” he said.

What is the point of having a government that exists to serve foreign interests, and will just openly say that?