Best Korea Ever: 800,000 Citizens Volunteered to Fight Against Great Satan in Just One Day

North Koreans are some of the most patriotic folks.

Really good people who believe in freedom and true family happiness.


North Korea claims that about 800,000 of its citizens volunteered to join or reenlist in the nation’s military to fight against the United States, North Korea’s state newspaper reported on Saturday.

About 800,000 students and workers, on Friday alone, across the country expressed a desire to enlist or reenlist in the military to counter the United States, the Rodong Sinmun newspaper reported.

The soaring enthusiasm of young people to join the army is a demonstration of the unshakeable will of the younger generation to mercilessly wipe out the war maniacs making last-ditch efforts to eliminate our precious socialist country, and achieve the great cause of national reunification without fail and a clear manifestation of their ardent patriotism,” the North’s Rodong Sinmun said.

America will just say they’re brainwashed by the controlled media. They won’t explain what happened to the Daily Stormer – that is to say, they will not explain how America has a “free media” and yet the government and media collude to silence independent media.

The basic fact is: “people are brainwashed” is a dual-edged sword, because you can say it about anyone. I can say that anyone who supports the Ukraine is brainwashed by controlled media, and then I can say the North Koreans are just patriotic. The US can say the reverse. Both the US and North Korea have about the same level of media control (with US media just being slightly more elaborate in that the talking heads pretend to disagree with each other on some irrelevant issues while agreeing on everything that actually affects people). So it really becomes a draw.

Here’s the key fact: it doesn’t really matter whose peasants are brainwashed. Peasants are not actors engaged on the world stage. Peasants are nonentities and if they’re not being controlled by someone they will just start destroying things for no real reason. The majority of the people in any country are always peasants, and the brainwashing, in my opinion, must be judged on its quality.

So, what’s the difference between American and Korean peasants?

  • American peasants support random wars all over the world they have nothing to do with. They are fat, gay retards who think gay sex should be forced on everyone. Most would never actually fight in any war, and yet support other people dying for gay sex and US global dominance.
  • North Korean peasants want to fight for their country, and are not afraid to die defending their homeland from Jews trying to force gay sex on them.

You see?

It doesn’t matter who’s brainwashed and who’s not. You can’t ever prove that anyway. You can just go by what people do.

North Korea is a much better country than America, which is a kike shithole filled with fat, gay retards who harbor a seething hatred for normal people.