Bibi Rushed to the Hospital After Fainting and Hitting His Head Following Chest Pain

Tango down!

Roger that!

Tango is down!

New York Post:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was rushed to a Tel Aviv hospital Saturday after fainting at home, according to multiple reports.

The 73-year-old conservative — Israel’s longest-serving leader — was in “good condition” as he underwent a series of tests, his office said.

The prime minister had passed out while at home in Cesarea and hit his head after complaining about chest pain, sources at Sheba Medical Center told the Jerusalem Post.

Netanyahu was fully conscious when he arrived at the emergency room, they said — but doctors will perform a brain scan and evaluate his heart rhythm to check for further injury.

Bibi’s son Avner accompanied him to the hospital and his wife Sara is expected to join them there.

This is a bad time for Bibi to have health problems.

He’s in the middle of trying to start a war with several different countries as his own population is trying to overthrow him.

No one has any idea what Israel will look like without Bibi!

Crazy times!