Biden Falsely Claims 900,000 Dead from Coronavirus, Falsely Claims Vaccines Solve This

I guess I just feel a need to remind everyone that the CDC has said that at least 75% of these deaths were not actually from coronavirus, and Pfizer has said that their vaccines do not do anything.

But you know that.

I guess everyone knows that. No one is really even pretending any of this is real anymore. It’s just about obeying the government.

NBC News:

President Joe Biden on Friday night encouraged Americans to get vaccinated as he marked “another tragic milestone” in the Covid pandemic.

“Today, our nation marks another tragic milestone — 900,000 American lives have been lost to COVID-19,” the president said in a statement. “Each soul is irreplaceable.”

“After nearly two years, I know that the emotional, physical, and psychological weight of this pandemic has been incredibly difficult to bear,” Biden said. “I know what it’s like to stare at an empty chair around the kitchen table. But I also know that we carry an incredible capacity within ourselves — not only to come through our grief stronger, but to come together to protect one another.”

He reminded Americans that the nation now has “more tools than ever before to save lives and fight this virus — with vaccines remaining our most important tool.”

Just, you know – for the record.

Here’s the head of the CDC.

Here’s the head of Pfizer.

This is what happens in a country with no connection to God.

The truth starts meaning so little that even when everyone knows that everything is a lie, they comply with it anyway, because they don’t put any value on truth.