Biden Wants to Lift Oil Sanctions on Venezuela

The Bidens think they can separate Venezuela from Russia.

The excuse for the public is that they’re doing this to ease oil tension.

Venezuela has a lot of oil.

But you might remember that it was only a couple of years ago the US tried to start a war with them. I don’t really see this proposed friendship going over all that well with Maduro.

Wall Street Journal:

The Biden administration is seeking to ease oil sanctions on Venezuela as part of a broader U.S. strategy to temper oil prices that have skyrocketed because of Russia’s war in Ukraine, according to people familiar with the matter.

U.S. officials began rare face-to-face meetings with Venezuelan officials in Caracas over the weekend, with a view to allowing Venezuelan crude oil back on to the open international market, these people said.

The administration also wants to isolate Russia from its most important ally in South America, Venezuela, an essential supplier of crude to the U.S. until economic mismanagement and then sanctions caused the nation’s oil sector to crater.

The proposals being discussed in the Venezuelan capital would ease sanctions for a limited period on U.S. national security grounds. Since the Trump administration began turning the economic screws on Venezuela in 2017 and then leveled sanctions on the oil sector in 2019, Caracas has come to rely on China, Russia and Iran to keep its oil sector afloat. As of 2020, Petróleos de Venezuela SA, the country’s state oil company, was producing about 300,000 barrels a day.

By easing the sanctions now, the U.S. would redirect Venezuelan oil exports out of an opaque China-bound export network and back to Gulf Coast refiners that process the heavy crude Venezuela produces, people familiar with the administration’s thinking on the matter said.

It also would peel Caracas out of the political orbit of Russia, which has helped Venezuela sidestep U.S. sanctions by putting its financial system to work processing payments for PDVSA, as the Venezuelan state oil company is known. And sanctions relief would replace Iran’s supply of condensate—a very light oil that PDVSA uses to dilute its extra-heavy oil—with Western-supplied diluents like naphtha, according to people familiar with the Biden administration’s strategy.


With the help of its allies, Venezuela’s authoritarian regime—which the U.S. accuses of widespread rights abuses—was able to increase production to about 760,000 barrels a day in 2021. That is only a quarter of what it pumped in the 1990s. But Reinaldo Quintero, president of the association representing Venezuelan oil companies, estimated that the country could get production up to 1.2 million barrels a day in under eight months, particularly if Chevron, the only major American oil producer in Venezuela, can jack up pumping.

Mr. Quintero, who with other Venezuelan oil company representatives has met with U.S. officials in Washington in the past to discuss sanctions relief, said they have worked to convince “the American government that the vacuum they leave behind in Venezuela is occupied by another economic actor.”

The U.S. in 2020 imported about 7.86 million barrels of oil from many countries, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Russia exported about 540,000 barrels a day to the U.S. in 2021, a little under what Venezuela exported to American refineries in 2018 before sanctions shut off the spigot.

Mr. Quintero said with the U.S. weighing cutting off Russian exports, Venezuela could in time replace Moscow. “How are they going to resolve the issue of the crude they need if they don’t consider Venezuela, which can replace a good slice,” Mr. Quintero said.


It’s really amazing that Maduro was the New Hitler just like, recently.

Even AOC refused to condemn the Mike Pompeo, Marco Rubio, et al. attempted regime change in Venezuela.

The country’s leader was allegedly starving his own people on purpose out of sheer evil, similarly to the way that Putin recently invaded the Ukraine for literally no reason other than evilness.

This got pretty heated to the point where it looked like the State Department might order bombings in the country.

Remember that Marco Rubio actually went to Columbia to scream across the border?

Then he posted that tweet saying that Maduro should be sodomized to death like Gaddafi?

Well, Rubio is now saying that Joe Biden – who has personally called for regime change in Venezuela – is doing this because he was a secret communist all along.

But of course, Rubio is one of the main people also calling for war with Russia, because he just wants war with everyone.

Anyway, the GOP will go along with this Venezuela thing if Maduro is stupid enough to go along with it.

But again – I doubt he will.

It’s no big secret that Russia is a better friend than America.

Saddam, Gaddafi, Assad – all of these people tried to play ball with America before being attacked. So did many South American countries.