Black Beats 62-Year-Old White Man with a Crowbar for Wearing a Trump T-Shirt!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 11, 2016

trump t-shirt crowbar

This is a race war.

And Trump is The Leader of TEAM WHITE.

Washington Post:

The encounter apparently began after a passing motorist spotted Peter Yankowski’s T-shirt.

The motorist aggressively questioned the Trump supporter about the shirt, “directing profanities at him,” according to a spokesman for the Bloomfield, N.J., police force.

During the argument last week, Yankowski, who is white, shouted a racial slur at the motorist, who has been described as a black man.

So, the Black started the confrontation.

I wonder – did he use any anti-White racial slurs, WaPo?

That verbal exchange led to a physical confrontation, which left the 62-year-old Trump supporter with minor injuries, authorities say. An investigation is ongoing, police spokesman Ralph Marotti told The Washington Post on Wednesday.

The encounter occurred the evening of Aug. 3 in New Jersey, police said. Yankowski said he was walking down a street when a motorist started talking about the shirt in support of the Republican presidential nominee.

The driver allegedly followed Yankowski inside a Friendly’s restaurant, where the verbal argument escalated.

Called me ‘white trash,’ cursed me out, gave me the finger, whatever,” Yankowski told News 12 New Jersey, describing a portion of the interaction. “I yelled back a few expletives.”

Yeah, so he did use an anti-White racial slur.

But we’re to believe it’s worse that the White man did – because of slavery hundreds of years ago.

Yankowski also admitted that he used a racial slur during the encounter, saying: “Yes, I did.”

A witness relayed what Yankowski had said, telling News 12 New Jersey: “The white man, of course, he shouted out, he goes, like, ‘you’re a n—–, you’re not even supposed to be here. This is like, white people’s spot.

Well, this isn’t England. It’s his right as an American to call this nigger a nigger.

And he obviously is a stupid, belligerent nigger, as proven by the fact he attacked a man with a crowbar.

The argument eventually spilled into the Friendly’s parking lot, where the encounter grew physical.

Marotti, the police spokesman, said the suspect had “what appeared to be a crowbar, some type of metal object,” and swung it at Yankowski.

Yankowski was hit in the forearm, hands and thighs, Marotti said, and was treated at the scene.

The suspect fled before police arrived.

No arrests had been made as of Wednesday.

And why would they arrest him?

After all, in Obama’s America, beating a White man with a crowbar is no crime.

We are all Peter Yankowski.

But take comfort, brothers, for Obama’s America is coming to an end.

We are approaching now the Dawn of Justice.