Black Woman Kills Mother in Front of Her Kids After Parking Lot Dispute

Alexandria Cress Borys

During slavery, white people denied the good parking spots to their slaves.

The legacy of premium parking space denial to black bodies continued under Jim Crow, and is now stitched into the fabric of our systemically racist society.

It’s no surprise that this is a sticking point for innocent black people, and that they will murder whites who try to deny them their spots.

New York Post:

A 26-year-old mother was shot and killed in front of her young children outside of a South Carolina grocery store on Valentine’s Day.

Alexandria Cress Borys had been shopping at a Kroger in Irmo, South Carolina on Tuesday when she got into a verbal dispute with a complete stranger while packing groceries in her car in the parking lot, Borys’ husband, Tyler, told WIS-TV.

After the argument apparently ended, the stranger, identified by police as 23-year-old Christina Harrison, pulled out a gun and shot Borys in the back around 4 p.m., he said.

Christina Harrison

Tyler Borys told WACH that she was gunned down while their 2-year-old child and an infant were in the car.

According to the Irmo Police Department, police arrived at the scene and declared Alexandria Cress Borys dead shortly after.

After speaking with witnesses, investigators determined that Harrison and Borys got into some sort of argument, although it’s not clear what the argument was about.

Harrison fled the scene in a white Ford, but later turned herself in around 5:30 p.m., police said.

I trust her husband will have the decency to learn about the history of black bodies in parking lots and demand that the judge refuse to sentence the black body who murdered his wife.

We need restorative justice in this country, so that blacks don’t have to go to prison simply for randomly killing whites.