Border Officials Prepare Tent Facility in South Texas to Cope with Border Invasion

Are they going to ask these foreigners for their vaccine passports before allowing them into the tent facilities?

Stamford Advocate:

U.S. border officials are preparing to open another tent facility in South Texas to cope with soaring numbers of migrant families and children crossing into the United States in recent weeks, according to three Homeland Security officials involved in the planning.

The temporary facility is expected to open in the coming weeks in U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Del Rio sector, and will be similar to another “soft-sided” structure the agency opened in Donna, Tex., three weeks ago. That site and other Border Patrol facilities are under increasing capacity strain from the burgeoning influx of Central American minors and family groups in U.S. custody.

Officials are also looking at the possibility of opening additional sites in Arizona, but those plans are less advanced, according to one official.

The Del Rio sector tent facility, which will be located near the town of Eagle Pass, is distinct from another temporary shelter the Biden administration opened this week in Carrizo Springs, Tex., where Health and Human Services is holding migrant teens who crossed the border without a parent.

President Biden has used executive authority to reverse several Trump administration border policies, but he is facing a looming crisis as more and more minors and family groups enter without authorization. The number of minors arriving without a parent has grown to more than 300 each day in recent weeks, a fourfold increase since last fall.

Late Thursday night, 130 adults and teens arrived in a group near Mission, Tex., according to Brian Hastings, the Border Patrol sector chief in Rio Grande Valley. “In less than a 24 hour period, this area alone saw more than 500 illegal entries,” Hastings said in a tweet.

They want as many of these people in the country before they do the big amnesty.

We of course have no idea how many people are actually entering. We can’t trust the media to report the fact, and the media is not even bothering to go down there and film what is happening.

It is probably like it was with Elsa that time.

The government has made it clear that brown people, like billionaires and people that work for the government, are not subjected to the same coronavirus regulations as the rest of us.

They do not have to be tested, and if they do get tested and it’s positive, they are allowed to come in and distribute themselves everywhere regardless.

Either the virus isn’t a real risk, or browning out America is more important than protecting people from the virus. If it’s the latter, that would mean that browning out America is the most important thing ever in all of history, because as far as we knew before this, protecting people from the virus was the most important thing in all of human history.

We could have stood up to all of this, and we didn’t.

I hope everyone enjoys their decisions.