Brad Parscale Demoted as Trump Attempts to Form a Competent Team to Win This Election

Brad Parscale has been demoted. From everything I can tell, he deserved it. He hyped up that nightmarish disaster in Tulsa.

What role can a “digital strategist” even play when most support for the president is banned from the internet? I’ve seen ads on YouTube for Trump, but you don’t really need to be a genius to know where to post those. Any old adman will do.

Brad Parscale was credited with the viral campaigns of the 2016 election – probably credited with a lot of my own personal work, if we’re being honest here – and there is no more room for that, because everything is banned.

He’s being replaced with Bill Stepien, who isn’t Jewish. Stepien was a 2016 campaign guy, and he has good physiognomy.

So, whatever.

The Hill:

Bill Stepien will replace Brad Parscale as manager of the Trump campaign, the president announced Wednesday night, shaking up the leadership of his stalled reelection bid.

Parscale will stay on in his role leading the campaign’s digital strategy and will serve as a senior adviser, Trump said. Parscale was the digital guru of the president’s insurgent 2016 White House bid but had not worked as a campaign manager prior to taking that role ahead of the 2020 race.

Stepien was recently promoted to deputy campaign manager. He previously served as the White House political director during Trump’s first two years in office. Before that, he was the campaign manager for former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s (R) two successful statewide campaigns in the Garden State.

“Both were heavily involved in our historic 2016 win, and I look forward to having a big and very important second win together,” Trump posted to Facebook on Wednesday evening while Twitter dealt with security issues that prevented verified accounts from tweeting.

“This one should be a lot easier as our poll numbers are rising fast, the economy is getting better, vaccines and therapeutics will soon be on the way, and Americans want safe streets and communities!” Trump added, later tweeting the same statement.

We don’t want vaccines, Trump. Almost none of your supporters want vaccines. Please hire an advisor that will tell you to stop bringing this up in completely unrelated contexts.

What else is The Hill saying about all this?

In fact, the president’s poll numbers have been sinking in recent weeks as the country struggles to get the coronavirus pandemic under control, millions of Americans remain out of work and demonstrations persist in response to the deaths of African Americans at the hands of law enforcement.

Those close to the campaign anticipated a change in leadership, particularly after Trump’s disastrous rally in Tulsa, Okla. The arena was a little more than half full by most estimates after Parscale and others had publicly boasted that more than 1 million people had RSVP’d to attend. An outdoor stage set up for Trump to address an overflow audience went unused after the crowd failed to materialize.

Much of the scrutiny after the rally fell on Parscale. Those close to the campaign and the president questioned if Parscale was cut out to manage a reelection bid and suggested he may be better off returning to a role where he could better use his digital expertise.

That’s what I’m saying.

He got credit for a bunch of Daily Stormer and /pol/ stuff in 2016, because no one else was going to take credit for it. He has not proved to be competent, and he should probably have just been outright fired on the night of the Tulsa rally.

Wednesday night’s restructuring is the latest staffing change at the Trump campaign in recent weeks.

Jason Miller, who served in a communications role in 2016, was brought on to work on strategy for the 2020 race. Hogan Gidley, who worked in the White House press shop for three years, recently took over as the campaign’s national spokesman. The campaign also tapped Susie Wiles, who led the campaign’s efforts in Florida in 2016, to work in a similar role this year.

While Stepien has more experience leading campaigns, there are questions about how much the change in campaign staffing will alter the president’s trajectory.

Many GOP operatives and campaign officials acknowledge that control of the campaign ultimately rests with Jared Kushner, the president’s senior adviser and son-in-law.

And there we get to the heart of the matter, and the reason we’re going to lose this election and then be slaughtered by the blacks.

And Advisers and allies have urged Trump to focus his messaging on how he is the better candidate to revive the economy once the pandemic has passed and to train his fire on Biden. But the president has in recent weeks focused more on culturally divisive issues by defending displays of the Confederate flag, attacking the Black Lives Matter movement and defending monuments of controversial figures.

Yeah, in recent weeks he’s been going against Kushner’s advice and running against the thing he is actually running against, which is a revolution, not senile old Joe Biden who isn’t even going to be president for a year before he has to resign due to health complications.

He needs to get people in who support him running against the revolution. Really, he needs to replace Jared Kushner with Corey Lewandowski, the 2016 campaign head. Or he could really replace Kushner with virtually anyone.

You have to be a special kind of Jew or retard to not understand that this election is about a cultural revolution, and isn’t really about anything else.

His polls are bad insofar as he is not doing what he’s supposed to be doing, which is convincing people he will fight against this revolution.

If I were him, I would also stop tweeting in Persian.

I don’t think we have many Iranian voters, and I don’t think anyone else likes this, because it’s weird and abrasive.