BREAKING: Yipping Faggot and Diabolical Censor Musk Repeats Obvious Economic Observations

Oh, yes, yipper – how about you just say obvious points the Daily Stormer made 18 months ago, but don’t mention Jews?

This will work.


The United States has “overplayed” its hand in “weaponizing” the dollar with sanctions, pushing more countries around the world to slash transactions using the currency, Elon Mask has warned.

You’re now seeing a lot of countries de-dollar their transactions because we’ve forced it. And this goes beyond even Russia, China, and Iran,” the owner of X (formerly Twitter) said during a Twitter Spaces session hosted by American entrepreneur David Sachs on Monday.

Musk highlighted a shift to trade in national currencies, especially among the BRICS nations, adding that it was not a choice made by these countries, but rather a necessity forced upon them by Ukraine-related Western sanctions against Moscow.

“Countries like Brazil or India still want to transact with Russia. They can’t do it with dollars, so we’ve forced them to de-dollarize their transactions, thus weakening the strength of the dollar in the world,” he explained.

The weaponization of the greenback has pushed many nations to look for alternatives, after sanctions effectively cut Russia off from the Western financial system.

The thing is – why would you even be against this?

It’s like that best ever Chinese meme from yesterday.

If you fully understand the core of international geopolitics (that’s actually a redundant term, because Chinese translators don’t work – geopolitics are international, but it sounds cute), then de-dollarization is good for the American people, and certainly good for Silicon Valley, which is hilted up on Bitcoin.

This is to say: we do not want the US government to course-correct. We want the empire to collapse, at which point, normal people and Silicon Valley futurist weirdos can seize control of the government and install some kind of strongman who serves the interests of the middle class (and normal people generally) and the industrialists to the detriment of the financial elite and military contractors.

History is so retarded and muddied up, I don’t really know if people understand that there is always a natural alliance between industrialists and normal people. What Elon and several other people from Silicon Valley are doing by reaching out to normal people is very natural. The pre-war and probably even inter-war period are defined by this industrialist-normal people alliance in opposition to finance and war profiteers.

Industrialists do not tend to be greedy in the manner of finance/war people. In part, it’s because industrialists are typically much less Jewish (look at the way the Jews ran the US auto industry – into the friggin’ ground), but it’s also the nature of the thing. Finance and war feed greed, attract greedy (even non-Jewish) people, and while industrialists are always very rich, there is not this “I have to drain every last drop of blood from the population” thinking that takes place in finance.

It’s probably because more or less all finance has to do with drinking blood, whereas industrialism, at its core, is definitely providing goods to people, and making them affordable.

Even with Bezos – he’s very rich, he seems pretty soulless, he abuses his employees and puts them in cages and won’t let them piss, but he is providing a useful service, and he does not appear to be trying to suck all of the blood out of America. He’s also not trying to fuck with people and do weird shit to them. I might actually support him for president, if that was on the table. (Weird statement, I know – but trust me, the Illness Revelations are just getting started.)

If you want to understand this better, you can listen to the All-In podcast. Chamath in particular, but also Sacks (who is obviously Jewish in genes, but not really in spirit – Sacks is who Elon was talking with when he made the above statements) are representatives of what I am talking about.

They are very, very rich, they are in no way apologetic about that, they do not want to pay taxes. But they have a sort of fundamental sympathy for normal people, which comes from the fact that they understand – on a conscious or maybe a different level – that normal people are their natural allies.

Normal people typically do not have a problem with billionaires, as long as they feel they got their money in a way that is fair and they’re not using it to try to destroy society.

I have a lot of problems with Silicon Valley people. Or, with a lot of them. Some of them I have no problem with and they send me money.

This was concerning:

That probably needs more analysis than I really have any interest in doing right now. That potentially has incredibly wide-ranging implications as regards “national populism.” We already know that Johnson was a fed, ostensibly as some kind of 77D autistic chess, but Thiel – this is totally bizarre. Don’t wait for a big analysis of that coming from me, I’m really focused on the wars, AI, bullying Elon Musk, and my religious delusions.

You know – I’ve only got two hands.

(Probably, using Cronenberg imagery as a theme for my unhinged religious delusions is too dark. I’m kinda trying to go with a poppier theme here – David Crosby vibes – but it’s just so funny. I thought of it when I woke up and chose not to work and instead go back to sleep, which resulted in the lateness this morning – “holy shit, Scanners should be the iconic aesthetic of my brain tumor-driven religious delusions” and I lost all breath laughing. It’s probably why I drank a glass of Beefeater with a lime and no ice and went back to sleep – I had exhausted myself with laughter. But yeah, I’ll probably cut it, for the most part. David Koresh is staying however. I can vaguely think I remember that David Crosby was David Koresh’s favorite musician, and maybe even that he used to sing the songs with an acoustic guitar at the compound. Don’t quote me on that. It would probably be hard to Google, and reading books to find information is so exhausting.)

By the way, I got a guitar and I’m working on a folk album. Just thought I’d throw that out there. I don’t know if it will ever be finished and released, but in theory, it will be released sometime next year, maybe as a part of the transition between the Illness Revelations and whatever comes next.

Elon Musk as a yipping chihuahua who yips and nips at people then turns to flee and starts pissing on himself and shivering might go down as the greatest of the Illness Revelations.