Britain: Jews do a “Social Experiment,” Again Blame Europeans for Moslem Harassment

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 7, 2015

The most common pick-up line heard by the Jew during his social experiment was "hey baby, how'd you like to go back to my place and get made into a lampshade?"
The most common pick-up line heard by the Jew during his social experiment was “hey baby, how’d you like to go back to my place and get made into a lampshade?”

Last year, a feminist Jew bitch with a gigantic butt walked through Black neighborhoods in New York for 10 hours in tight-pants and got approached by a bunch of Black guys.  The makers of the video then blamed this “street harassment” as they labeled it on all men, even though it was only Black men involved.

A similar “social experiment” hoax has occurred in Britain, again with lying snake Jews.


A social experiment designed to gauge levels of anti-Semitism in Britain turned up some shocking results.

Journalist Jonathan Kalmus set out to get a sense of anti-Jewish feeling in the UK by donning religious dress and visiting two UK cities.

Wearing the traditional kippah head covering, he walked around the streets of Manchester and Bradford. He said he was almost immediately subject to anti-Semitic abuse.

He heard slurs including “Fight the Jewish scum,” and was told: “Jew, Jew, Jew… Run.” The racist comments included, he says, those from a small boy who was walking with his father. In Bradford one passer-by spat at him, he claims.

There was no video, but if this actually even happened, it obviously wasn’t “British people” doing it – it was Moslems.  Ethnic Brits are collectively some of the most non-Jew wise people in Europe, and thus in the entire world, and even if they were aware of Jews, they are not really the “yell slurs and random people on the street” type of folks.

This is an ongoing theme across all of Europe now – accusing European countries of abusing Jews without specifying that it is almost entirely Moslems doing it.  It is a clear hoax, based on their now-accepted assumption that “we’re all the same,” intended to place blame for the behavior of Moslems Jews brought to Europe on the countries they flooded with them.

On top of this, it also shows a disconnect in the Jew hive-mind, where they know these Moslems are a threat to them but at the same time they want to keep using them to further damage White society. You’re now seeing full-on conflict between Jews, given that none of them really know how to handle this situation.

Jews function on low-level biological impulse, and they have impulse both to preserve themselves and to destroy the White European people.