California Finally Finds a Way to Make Public Transport Safe for Women

This is funny.

Women created this situation and they deserve to suffer the consequences of it.

Virtually 100% of non-Jewish supporters of the interracial agenda are white women.

Let them pass out harassment aid cards as their precious diversity comes down on them.

The National Desk:

Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) promoted cards enabling riders to disclose harassment Friday in an effort to limit disturbances on the public transportation system.

Passengers experiencing sexual harassment can distribute cards informing and requesting assistance from bystanders.

They state “someone is harassing me right now,” and list options for helping, such as “can you stand with me while this is happening?” and “if I ask, would you text BART Police … use the BART Watch App, or contact the train operator for me?”

Bystanders who notice disturbances can also hand out cards to perceived victims to provide assistance. The cards read “it appears you are being harassed” and note help is available.

Doesn’t just looking at these make you feel safer?

The Bystander Intervention Safety Cards initiative is part of the “Not One More Girl” campaign, which BART employed with community organizations to end “gender-based” violence on public transportation.

BART has struggled to recapture its ridership levels from before the pandemic, with Bay Area residents citing crime concerns in a May poll. Fifty-three percent of respondents claimed someone they knew was a victim on the system.

You know what cards might actually work for this?

Pokemon cards.

Seriously, if there’s a deranged hobo having a meltdown on the subway, and he’s harassing you, and you pull out a Pokemon card and show it to him, it might trigger some happy childhood memory and calm him down.

If only this bitch had a card…