China Lagging Behind Tranny Arms Race, Wasting Time Creating Fluorescent Monkeys

Personally, I would prefer to have a pet monkey that glows than to have my penis chopped off.

I guess that makes me an agent of the communistic Chinese.

New York Post:

Scientists in China have recorded the first-ever live birth of a chimeric monkey using stem cells, with the baby simian sporting bright green eyes and fingertips, according to a new study.

Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences published their findings in Cell Thursday, noting that the monkey was created from two genetically distinct embryos of Cynomolgus monkeys, also known as crab-eating macaques.

The researchers had laced the test subjects with a fluorescence green protein to highlight which tissues had grown specifically from the stem cells gathered from 7-day-old embryos.

The result was the baby monkey’s fluorescent green eyes and fingers. The scientists touted it as the world’s first live birth of a primate chimera using stem cells.

The monkey, unfortunately, lived for only 10 days before being euthanized.

It’s a shame.

Honestly, I don’t even know what the point of this is.

But it’s a fact that the US is dumping all of its biomedical research money into tranny stuff and gene-altering vaccines that kill you.