CIA Director Says Great Satan’s Global Dominance Not Guaranteed

Oh, the Anal Empire is sinking into hell?

No one could have predicted this.


The dominant global role of the US can no longer be guaranteed as the country is witnessing a time of change “that comes along a couple of times a century,” CIA Director Bill Burns has claimed.

Speaking at the Baker Institute earlier this week, Burns said that although Washington “still has a better hand to play than any of our rivals,” it is “no longer the only big kid on the geopolitical block and our position at the head of the table isn’t guaranteed.”

The CIA chief pointed to growing ties between China and Russia, which he argued will present a “formidable challenge” for his agency for years to come. According to Burns, Beijing is “not content to only have a seat at the table; it wants to run the table,” while Russia is seeking to “upend the table altogether.”


Feels good, man.

Feels so, so good.

They are feeling the anagnorisis, and I am laughing and sipping my gin and tonic while listening to City Pop.

I hope they all burn, and I hope it is so, so very painful.