“War crimes” is an absurd concept. It’s not a real thing. Soldiers should never be charged with crimes for doing what they think is necessary in the heat of battle.
If we do not want people to die in wars, we should not start wars. The wars are not started by soldiers, they are started by Jews.
Donald Trump’s decision to pardon four Blackwater contractors involved in the 2007 slaughter of Iraqi civilians was met with a tsunami of anger and resentment online from people calling it a travesty of justice.
President Donald Trump announced on Tuesday evening that he is issuing 15 full pardons and commuting the punishments of five convicts to time served. Four of the people given clemency were former employees of the infamous private military company Blackwater.
They were serving lengthy prison terms, including a life sentence in one case, for the Nisour Square massacre, one of the most notorious episodes in the US’ military engagement in Iraq.
Seventeen Iraqi civilians, including one child, were killed in the crowded Baghdad square in September 2007, after the US contractors opened fire on people with machine guns, sniper rifles, and grenade launchers. The investigation concluded that at least 14 of them were killed without any reason. The unprovoked attack was carried out by Blackwater guards who were escorting a US Embassy convoy and allegedly thought they had been ambushed.
After a protracted legal process, four people were sentenced to various prison terms. Nicholas Slatten, who was accused of opening fire first and triggering the attack on civilians, received a life sentence.
Bizarrely, it is the same Jews that start all these wars that then go out there and attack the soldiers. Normal white people – or normal people of any race, really – understand that soldiers are trained to kill, and punishing them for “killing people too hard” is idiotic. The people who make the decisions should be held responsible. We should NOT be Monday morning quarterbacking the battlefield.
George Bush and Dick Cheney should have been the ones convicted of crimes. The Jews should have been charged with espionage, promoting these hoax wars in the Middle East for the benefit of their home country. This whole situation was lunacy, and it simply furthers the lunacy to punish the soldiers, who are themselves victims of the Jews who sent them to fight these wars.
All of these people who went to these wars are really messed up now. It totally messed with their heads, to be in this kind of lunatic war, where you’re a world superpower engaged in combat with primitive cave people as part of an extended occupation.
Everyone was whining about this pardon.
Trump pardoned the 4 Blackwater defendants who slaughtered 14 innocent, unarmed Iraqis (injured 17 others). I considered these trials one of the proudest accomplishments of the DC US Attorney’s Office, fighting for justice for those Iraqi victims. Today, Trump killed justice.
— Glenn Kirschner (@glennkirschner2) December 23, 2020
Many will be wringing their hands about Papadopoulos, but in my view the pardon of the Blackwater employees is the most egregious and disgusting of @realDonaldTrump actions. This was a graven war crime that resulted in the death of 17 Iraqi civilians. Shame on you Mr President. https://t.co/trGAbHu3WB
— Mark Hertling (@MarkHertling) December 23, 2020
Erik Prince and his #Blackwater asshole goons are pieces of shit. Most people don’t know the details about what happened in Iraq. Well I was there. This is just another slap in the face to the Iraqi people and to the honorable men and women of our military. #Airborne pic.twitter.com/9mLqiFQExs
— Richard N. Ojeda, II (@Ojeda4America) December 23, 2020
Private Blackwater mercenaries Nicholas Slatten, Paul Alvin Slough, Evan Shawn Liberty, and Dustin Laurent Heard are war criminals.
Pardoning monstrous criminals will leave a dark mark on the history of presidential pardons. https://t.co/guz6PCJ4rR
— Rep. Ilhan Omar (@Ilhan) December 23, 2020
Trump pardoned Blackwater goon Nicholas Slatten, who in Iraq fired "without provocation, killing Ahmed Haithem Ahmed Al Rubia’y, an aspiring doctor, who was driving his mother to an appointment." https://t.co/NFUQzNTeUP
— Justin Miller (@justinjm1) December 23, 2020
Here's an @aviswanatha story about the extensive efforts the Justice Department took to prosecute one of the Blackwater security guards @realDonaldTrump just pardoned. Slatten had been serving life in prison for killing unarmed Iraqi civilians. https://t.co/l0i1PJXnrr
— Sadie Gurman (@sgurman) December 23, 2020
One guy sort of got it.
If you're appalled at Trump pardoning Blackwater murderers, ask yourself why the Democratic leadership has embraced George Bush, who launched that war. pic.twitter.com/wtFGhnj12a
— Peter Daou (@peterdaou) December 23, 2020
Not that this is really especially important, in the scheme of things.
If Trump is really doing a round of pardons (and he is), he really needs to pardon Julian Assange.
I mean – come on.