These activist Judges – Jews, frankly – are attempting to cockblock a Supreme Court challenge by just throwing out every challenge that the Trump Administration offers.
But it will get to the high court. There’s a 100% chance of that.
Two judges in Pennsylvania on Friday tossed a half dozen court cases the Trump campaign had brought to invalidate thousands of votes around Philadelphia, where voters carried President-elect Joe Biden to a clear win in the battleground state.
In total, the Trump campaign had sought to throw out almost 9,000 absentee ballots because their outer envelopes lack names, dates or addresses or some combination of the three that voters could have filled out.
In five related cases, Judge James Crumlish of Philadelphia County’s Court of Common Pleas said the Trump campaign couldn’t invalidate 8,329 ballots it alleged were improper. The judge ruled those ballots should be processed and counted.
In another case, the President’s campaign sought for the Montgomery County Board of Elections to throw out 592 mail-in ballots where voters hadn’t filled out their addresses on the outside envelopes. Those ballots will be counted, the second judge, Richard Haaz of the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas, ruled on Friday.
Haaz found that state law didn’t require voters to fill out the address sections on the envelopes, and the instructions on the ballots didn’t tell voters they must fill them out.
“Voters should not be disenfranchised by reasonably relying upon voting instructions provided by election officials,” Haaz wrote.
Putting Rudy in charge is probably the right thing to do.
At least he’s loyal. You don’t have to worry about this guy. He’s ride or die, 100%.
President Donald Trump has installed Rudy Giuliani to lead the legal efforts he has mounted to resuscitate his failed bid for a second term in office, a move that comes after a series of court defeats Friday, two sources told ABC News.
A spokesperson for Giuliani confirmed his expanded role for the president.
The decision, first reported by The New York Times, also came following court filings from the law firm that had been handling some of the Trump campaign’s legal efforts. Lawyers from K Street firm Porter Wright Morris & Arthur have asked to withdraw from the federal lawsuit the Trump campaign filed in Pennsylvania to challenge the election results there.
Biden holds a lead of more than 59,500 votes in Pennsylvania. On Friday, the Trump campaign suffered adverse rulings in six cases in the state — rulings that determined that 8,921 votes the Trump legal team had contested would not be tossed out.
Giuliani has since Election Day been a public face of the president’s legal campaign. He has headlined a series of press conferences to claim, without support, that the mishandling of the election and fraud cost Trump the race, despite purported evidence that has been exposed as weak in court.
I don’t think that parking lot thing was Rudy’s fault.
Actually, I think the parking lot was funny as heck, and they did a decent job just owning it.
Probably, people were saying, “Rudy, we can just reschedule…” and Rudy was just like: