Cringe Faggot John Oliver Does 30 Minutes Calling for Tucker Carlson to be Banned

We here at the Daily Stormer talk a lot about “yikes on steroids,” but I’ve never seen a clearer image of this definition than the 30 minute show that John Oliver did on Tucker Carlson.

Frankly, I had not realized that John Oliver was still doing his “Last Week Tonight” comedy show until I ran across this YouTube video that aired March 15. I remember John Oliver only for the “current year” memes. The man was very famous for stating the year as a form of argument or a dismissal of someone else’s, to wit “it’s [current year]!” He would say this over and over, like a catchphrase.

His popularity peaked around 2015-16, and my favorite one showed him on New Year’s Eve not knowing which year to say. I can’t find it now, but this one is the same idea:

Here’s some classic material, which will catch you up if you don’t remember this man:

The implication of “it’s [current year]” was that anyone who disagreed with him was somehow backward and not hip with the modern era. His hipness, like a catchphrase that cites a date, has not aged well. This material is beyond stale. Mocking people who refuse to accept every aspect of a totalitarian system is not funny, it is simply a ritual. The true believers ritually watch these late night comedy shows in order to continually have their beliefs reinforced (if the bizarre beliefs required by this system are not constantly reinforced, people will start to sway back towards common sense). There is nothing more shameful than performing this ritual professionally. Watching his episode on Tucker Carlson was very sad, and I felt ashamed for him to the point of almost feeling guilty watching it. Watching the show felt like stopping to watch a homeless man masturbate under a bridge.

You can see in his eyes and on his fat neck that Oliver is well aware of how humiliating this is. The man is only 43 and looks 62. Imagine selling your soul like this, and not even being able to use your fame to get laid, as you know you’ll be #metoo’d. What’s left? What exactly do you gain from being rich that I don’t have in my shitty apartment? The only thing I can think of is being able to pick-up on bitches, but you literally can’t do that anymore.

I assume the show was filmed in front of a studio audience previously, and now because of the virus hoax (which I’m quite sure he aggressively promoted), Oliver doesn’t have a studio audience to laugh at the laugh on cue. I have no idea why they’re not using canned laughter like on a sitcom, because without the laughter, your attention is really drawn to how bad the jokes are.

The laughter on cue was a big element of the way the show plays on basic human psychology, as was noted in a famous /pol/ screencap. The only reason I can think of that they would just hit the laugh track is that they think their audience is intelligent enough that they would be insulted by recorded laughter. I don’t think that is true, but if it were true, the answer would be to make it ironic. If I was the producer of this show, and hit with evidence that a fake laugh track was insulting to the audience, I would put a button on Oliver’s desk that he pushes to play it the sound. The laughing at the bad “X” which is really just like absurd metaphor “Y” is key to the show’s entire process of ideological reenforcement.

There is almost no room for humor in totalitarianism, because the system’s doctrine is so strict. Comedy has to have some element of transgression, or at the very least unpredictability, and short of absurdism, there is no place for any form of unpredictably within this brutal order. Oliver’s brand of “comedy” is the only form left, as comedians are one of the biggest groups which has been systematically witch hunted.

The show was a warning to the audience of just how evil Carlson is, and what a threat he is to the ruling order. It was very obviously part of a concerted call for censorship. There was little humor. It was more of a lecture. The jokes that were involved were the same “current year” joke – “this is like something some old person would think!”

Mixing comedy with demands for censorship is even more difficult than this comedy usually is, and he had to keep reminding the audience that what he was saying was supposed to be entertainment. He goes through and berates people for disagreeing with the establishment, and reminds them of everything they might at some point think, letting them know that if they allow those thoughts into their brains, they are like someone from a bygone era, and that this is shameful, because it is unfashionable.

Oliver argued that Carlson is evil for attempting to defend the existence of Western civilization, and that defending Western civilization is the definition of white supremacy, which is evil.

I’ve been largely dissatisfied with Tucker Carlson since the election. But I keep being reminded that despite his flaws, he is doing a lot right, which is why he is such a target.

I’m still planning to write up a piece about Carlson’s schizophrenic explanation as to why we should go to war with the Chinese, but I will say that if we give him the full benefit of the doubt, it is possible that he has been told that he has to say this stuff about China, or he’ll get kicked off of Fox News.

It’s incredible that he is still on Fox News, frankly, given the amount of pressure. He’s the number one topic on all of these shows. He’s become the nation’s top villain, now that Trump is gone.

This article was updated to add the discovered /pol/ screencap and to note that 43-year-old John Oliver looks to be 62 (a previous version of the article had estimated that he looks 57, but on further observation, it was understood that he looks 62).