Disinformation Purveyor: Jack Dorsey Should be Banned from Twitter Over False Narratives

Far right ideologue Jack Dorsey is using his Twitter account to promote the debunked conspiracy theory that the internet was better before mega-corporations controlled all information.

Dorsey falsely implicated without evidence that Twitter founder Jack Dorsey was regrettably partially responsible for the beneficial takeover of the internet by corporations.

Dorsey provided no evidence for his false claims.

However, fact checkers were quick to disprove the false and debunked claim that corporate control “damaged the internet.”

Without corporations fully controlling the internet, people would be allowed to say and think whatever they want, making it impossible for a democracy to function.

The values of our democracy cannot be subjected to hatred and false information.

But Seriously

Wow, I got bored of that joke quick.

I’m really tired of this whole “values of our democracy” thing, but it’s literally the only thing these people say anymore, so it is the only way to do satire. I guess I can just play it straight. But that kind of takes a lot of the fun out of it, and I also think it leads to less understanding.

Satire is the best way to transmit understanding about a corrupt power structure. But I can’t just keep saying “values of our democracy.” But… I have to keep saying it, because that’s all they say anymore.

Anyway, I stand by the position I’ve held for a long time now: Jack Dorsey always wanted to push a free internet, but he is a weak person, who couldn’t deal with the pressure that was put on him by all of these Jewish activist groups. He ended up fully surrendering, and that’s when he turned into a totally disheveled wreck, taking pills.

It’s sad that this happened, but it doesn’t really take away the responsibility he has for his actions.

This is what I have always said: you have to have a spine, and you have to be willing to stand up for yourself. This does not mean you become an angry or mean person. Becoming angry and mean is what people who have no idea what it means to be a man do when they are trying to pretend to be men.

To be a man is to calmly stand for what you believe in.

It was in March of 2019 that Jack Dorsey went on Joe Rogan to be grilled regarding censorship. He brought along that horrible Pakistani woman, who answered all of Tim Pool’s questions in a way that reminds one now of a much more fat and aggressive brown version of Jen Psaki.

This woman was like his mommy.

It was a historic event.

This Pakistani woman’s claim was that they don’t ban people for “speech,” they ban them for “behavior.” For example: Alex Jones was banned for the behavior of asking a CNN homosexual why he had launched a campaign to have him banned from everything.

In 2018, Dorsey went on CNN’s censorship activist program and said that Twitter doesn’t discriminate against political viewpoints.

They obviously no longer make this claim at all. They will just ban you for questioning the media about anything.

Twitter has recently been cleansed of anyone questioning the mainstream narrative on the Ukraine border skirmish with Russia. There is no attempt to explain this. They just ban you.

This started with the coronavirus. They started saying that if people disagreed with Anthony Fauci about anything, they were “putting lives at risk,” because the population is so stupid that they are totally incapable of determining fact from fiction, or weighing different viewpoints. When this became the narrative, I repeatedly asked why, if people are basically small children incapable of analyzing information, they should be allowed to vote. No one ever answered that.

Related: If Fake News is a Problem for Democracy, Then Democracy is a Problem (July 13, 2018…!)

With this Ukraine situation, they don’t really even make any arguments as to why they are censoring everyone who disagrees with the media. Pointing out that Azov and the UAF are killing civilians doesn’t hurt anyone. Even if it was untrue, there is no clear narrative on what consequences would result from not believing this media narrative about the Russians being pure evil.

This is more than even a slippery slope. At first, it was a slippery slope, where I was called “hate speech” for using racial slurs, then anyone who questioned mass immigration was called “hate speech.” But then under the coronavirus regime, “hate speech” was no longer the main culprit, and instead we were to fear “disinformation.”

I guess videos of Azov killing civilians or torturing POWs are being classified also as “misinformation,” but at this point, the site is so heavily censored, that they don’t really even try to hide the fact that they are just deleting everything that goes against the media narrative.

Centralizing the internet wouldn’t be a problem if these companies were forced to follow the law regarding freedom of speech, but they’re just not. The same people promoting communism in America are claiming that multinational corporations can’t be regulated because America is an anarcho-capitalist country where corporations are not required to follow laws.

People are happy about the prospect of Elon Musk making changes at Twitter, since, as of Monday, he is now the largest shareholder in the company. I am not really excited about this, because I don’t think it will actually happen. If Elon Musk tried to make it legal for people to question transsexualism, coronavirus, or Bucha, the government would take actions against his other companies in order to destroy him. This is a plain fact.

There is no possible way to maintain this current system without total censorship of speech. If anyone was allowed to disagree with the official narrative, the entire system would collapse in on itself. Censorship is an absolute necessity for every aspect of the Western order.

As it begins to unravel, maybe there will be more free speech. But it is going to get worse before it gets any better.