Donald Better Get Ready for Ghislaine

Ghislaine has “new information,” Donald.

New York Post:

Ghislaine Maxwell’s claim that she has “critical new information” related to her cases in Manhattan federal court was not enough to keep sealed secret files from the defamation case against her, a judge ruled Wednesday.

The material is under protective order in Maxwell’s criminal case and, for the time being, can’t be disclosed in Virginia Giuffre’s civil defamation case against the alleged madam, Judge Loretta Preska wrote in her order Wednesday.

Because of the protective order, Preska wrote she has no “reasonable basis” to grant Maxwell’s request of postponing for three weeks the unsealing of documents in the defamation case against her.

If the protective order is lifted, Maxwell can again request a stay in the unsealing process, according to the order.

Maxwell’s attorneys said they discovered the “critical new information” last Friday and requested the unsealing process be postponed so they can discuss with federal prosecutors in her criminal case how the new information can be used in the defamation case.

Giuffre’s attorney argued the claim of new information was a stall tactic that “illustrates her disregard for the Court’s time, as well as her willingness to engage in dilatory conduct to thwart the unsealing process.”

There is approximately zero chance that in the days before the election, it will not be announced that Maxwell witnessed Donald Trump have sex with an underage girl.

There will be no evidence, of course. But it will be used to sway the election.

Then, after Trump loses, it will likely also be used to prosecute him.

If this orange bastard thinks he can lose this election and sell us down the river, he’s wrong.

He is going down with us. That is a matter of fact. There is absolutely no chance these people are going to let him escape.

I mean, he can use his jet to flee to Russia, I guess – and try to explain to Vladimir Putin why his fat piece of shit, Mike Pompeo, was constantly trying to destroy Russia in the name of “freedom.” Putin will likely be sympathetic.

But I do not think Donald pictures living out his sunset years as a political refugee in Russia. Nor do I think he even has the sense to get on a plane and flee after he loses the election.

So maybe he should instead try to win the election, huh?