Elon Publishes “Twitter Files” Showing Lunatic Government Collusion Beyond What Anyone Imagined

Elon Musk gave the Twitter files over to journalist Matt Taibbi.

Taibbi put together a report he published on Twitter on Friday and it’s wild.

Team Biden was colluding with Twitter to ban pro-Trump material even before the election. This is really a complete outrage, and worse than even I thought it was. I assumed there were pro-Biden people at Twitter who were just doing it for The Party. Biden’s own people sending the emails is beyond the pale.

This is all really cool.

It’s a long time coming, and it’s awesome Elon did this.

But what is going on with that Andrew Anglin account?

I get that I’m currently being used to cover up these revelations in the media. But that’s not my fault at all.