Elon Says Journalists No Longer Allowed to Dox People on Twitter

Elon Musk, King of Twitter, this week banned people that doxed his location and sent someone to harass him when he was with his small kid.

There is a guy who tracks Elon’s movements everywhere he goes. He’s been doing it forever, and Elon said when he took over the site he wasn’t going to ban him.

Apparently, Elon had finally had enough when some guy came at him in public, so he banned the guy.

Journalists were linking to the dox and he banned them as well. He then made a rule that journalists are no longer allowed to dox people, which basically destroys the career of entire segments of the news media.

Shockingly, Elon does not know how to spell “doxing.”

At least he knows that mainstream media “journalists” should always be referred to as “journalists” (with quotation marks). They call themselves journalists but they’re really just system cops.

It’s not clear if he was planning to permanently ban them or just punish them with a temporary ban, but he announced he’s not going to permanently ban them, and did multiple polls about when they should be reinstated.

He already said – from the beginning, actually – that no one will be permanently banned unless they break the law.

We’re still trying to figure out how this all works, actually. But he seems to have violated that rule in the case of Alex Jones. Everyone else who was banned under the terrorist rule of Vagina and Yolo (including me) is having their accounts restored. (For anyone who doesn’t use Twitter: that is really happening, by the way. I thought it would, then when he started talking to the ADL after the purchase I thought it wouldn’t. But it is happening. Everyone is coming back home to Twitter.)

On Friday, Elon showed up in a Twitter Space with a bunch of journalists and reiterated that he’s not going to allow journalists to dox either.

The journalists obviously started flipping the hell out about the bannings of the doxers. Of course Taylor Lorenz was out there whining, because doxing is literally her entire job. She was whining on Mastodon, where these hardcore shills for the government and the Jews are claiming they are migrating. Someone posted the screenshot, and Elon responded.

The bitch is literally demanding a right to be able to gang-stalk people who disagree with the government.

This is what the media does: they gang-stalk people for the government. It’s their primary agenda.

Apparently, this flight-tracking data is not supposed to be public information anyway.

But the flight-tracker thing is minor and I don’t really care about that. What I do care about is Twitter having hard and fast rules, and I’m fine with “no doxing” being one of them. It’s obviously legal speech, but it’s also a very specific thing, where there is no slippery slope, and it just creates problems for no reason. I’ve also said that non-imminent death threats should be banned as well, even though those are legal.

It’s a start for the rules, and it’s a big problem with the journalist harassment squad.

A woman who was targeted by Taylor Lorenz posted text messages from when she did an interview with her, showing that she asked for her address saying it was for “fact-checking” and wouldn’t be published, then went ahead and published it anyway.

Look at the way she manipulates her when she is nervous about handing over the address – “Tbh [her hesitation about handing over her address is] raising red flags with my editor.” She says it like she’s accusing her of a crime. (Journalists act with a police-like authority – instead of arresting you, they can print things to destroy your life.)

Just read through that a few times.

Here’s the story of the woman in question:

Lorenz is such an evil cunt.

Literally: Taylor Lorenz is the single most repulsive “human being” who has ever existed. Yes, she is worse than all the Jews – combined.

This is what she does to people – she harasses them, she tricks them, she tries to get violent mobs sent to people’s houses. But of course, many journalists do this.

What makes her special is that she has the nerve to go on TV and cry because people say mean things to her about her job destroying people’s lives on purpose.

Talk about crying out in pain while striking. This is like parody.

This week, while all this stuff was happening, she went on a Space and started crying about how she was being harassed!

On top of that, she is just so ugly. She looks like a rat-dog. Not a dog that hunts rats, but a genetic hybrid of a rat and a dog.

She claims to be 35. Why does she look 49?

Speaking of ratlike humans, CNN’s Oliver Darcy – an Iranian homosexual and extremist doxer – announced that CNN is considering leaving Twitter because they are not allowed to dox people. This top doxer, whose job is to get people banned from things (that is literally his job – he got Alex Jones and others banned from everything) is talking about freedom of speech! It’s not freedom of speech to say Jews control all the banks and media and that there is literally zero evidence of homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz – that is pure hatred. But publishing people’s addresses with the obvious intent of trying to stir up a mob to target their home with violence – basically attempted murder – is very important free speech.

I just about lost my marbles when he started acting like he’s throwing his weight around, suggesting Twitter can’t possibly survive without CNN. The single reason that CNN is even still operating is that they are able to get their competitors banned, and they are able to chill speech across the board. If normal people are allowed to do journalism on Twitter – and hopefully we will be allowed – then they literally have no purpose. All the people need is the AP wire. The rest of it we can handle.

Remember to follow me on Twitter, everyone.

I need to get my numbers up. I got 10,000 followers the first week, and only got to 11,000 the second week. Also, there is a lot of “exclusive” type content there. I enjoy the shorter, sloppier format. It’s obviously pretty sanitized. Hopefully we’ll get some rules laid down soon so I know what I’m allowed to say.

They may or may not ask you for a phone number. You can buy a phone number online with crypto if you don’t want to risk getting doxed.