Elon Vows to Abolish Twitter Board When He Owns the Company

We’re still closely following the drama of Elon Musk’s attempted hostile takeover of Twitter, where he said he plans to implement a policy of radical free speech.

Most likely, this will end with Elon Musk in prison. But it is still interesting.

In his latest tweet on the topic, Elon responded to investor Gary Black noting that the Twitter board members are getting paid hundreds of thousands per year for doing basically nothing. Elon said he would fire them all.

I want to believe Elon is going to take over the company and give us all our freedom back.

But this is just simply not the way the world works.

The way the world works is that only bad things ever happen, ever, forever, all the time – at least in this part of the world, which is totally controlled by Satan.

I would like to think Elon knows what he’s doing, but… it doesn’t seem that way.

It seems like he’s maybe just stoned.