EU Foreign Policy Chief Wants to Send European Warships to Taiwan Strait

Don’t you guys have a war in Europe right now?



The Guardian:

European navies should patrol the disputed Taiwan Strait, the EU foreign policy chief has said, echoing earlier comments stressing how crucial Taiwan is to Europe.

Josep Borrell wrote in an opinion piece in the Journal Du Dimanche that Taiwan “concerns us economically, commercially and technologically”.

That’s why I call on European navies to patrol the Taiwan Strait to show Europe’s commitment to freedom of navigation in this absolutely crucial area,” he wrote.

Two weeks ago, China launched three days of military exercises around Taiwan – simulating targeted strikes and a blockade of the island – in response to a meeting between the Taiwanese president, Tsai Ing-wen, and the US House speaker, Kevin McCarthy.

On Tuesday, in a speech opening a debate on China at the European parliament, Borrell said: “Taiwan is clearly part of our geostrategic perimeter to guarantee peace.

“It is not only for a moral reason that an action against Taiwan must necessarily be rejected. It is also because it would be, in economic terms, extremely serious for us, because Taiwan has a strategic role in the production of the most advanced semiconductors.”

Borrell’s comments come after the French president, Emmanuel Macron, this month argued that Europe should not be a “follower” of the US in the event of conflict with China over Taiwan.

Anglin has been saying that there are a whole lot of signs that the globalists (AKA “The Jews”) want to scale down the Ukraine situation that they are losing so badly and transfer their efforts to China.

There is no clear evidence that any decision has been made either way, but when you start seeing top EU war people talking about how the real enemy is China, it definitely implies they’re getting ready to surrender in the Ukraine.

Or rather, acknowledge Russia has total control over everything east of the river, and call it a draw, claiming they’ll soon return for their revenge.

Of course, if they actually beat China, Russia would collapse, so it would be a moot point.

Fighting Russia was always retarded past the point where it was obvious there was no way to collapse the Putin government. Everything from that point was just a dumb jerkoff backed up by retarded gibberish about how “the Ukraine can still win on the battlefield.”

At this point, the only thing they are doing is destroying more and more Ukrainian infrastructure while maybe killing some Russian convicts.