Eulogist for Soleimani Declares an $80 Million Bounty on Trump’s Head

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 6, 2020

It’s not clear that the regime endorsed this. Though you’d think they would have known who was going to give the eulogy for the most popular guy in their country after he was assassinated.


The eulogist at the funeral procession for General Qassem Soleimani placed an $80 million bounty on President Donald Trump’s head on live state TV, according to Al Arabiya. However, contrary to some reports, the government of Iran itself did not place a bounty on Trump’s head.

Two sites that have reported on the bounty: Bild, a German news site and Al Arabiya English, a Saudi Arabian platform.

Al Arabiya reported on January 5, 2020 that “the eulogist at the funeral procession of prominent Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani in Iran put an 80-million-dollar prize on US President Donald Trump’s head on live state TV.” The eulogist was not named.

“We are 80 million Iranians, if each one of us puts aside one American dollar, we will have 80 million American dollars, and we will reward anyone who brings us [Trump]’s head with that amount,” he said before a crowd in the city of Mashhad, according to Al Arabiya, which added that the “funeral procession was being broadcast live on Iran’s Channel One as the eulogist made his proposal.”

According to the Financial Times, another speaker in Mashhad told the massive crowds, “We shall see the uprooting of the US in the region. You crazy, yellow-haired man [Trump]! Listen carefully! ‘Down with the US’ . . . You Israelis! We will send you death . . . every single drop of our tears will turn into a missile into your land.”

Bild reported that “State television announced during the broadcast of a memorial service for the killed terror general Ghassem Soleimani that $80 million bounty would be put on US President Donald Trump. The one who kills him should receive this amount.” However, this is a little misleading because it was the eulogist who made that announcement not state TV. It was, however, being broadcast on state TV.

It seems a little bit melodramatic.

But Moslems are known for that sort of thing.

I don’t think anyone is going to assassinate Donald Trump. And if they did, they probably would not slip free to collect a bounty. So this isn’t much of a serious statement.

Though if Donald Trump decides to really start this war rolling, I think we can be sure that Iranians will start killing random Americans in America.